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Handmade Goals for Winter 2023

This past October, I took up knitting in my spare time. I was expecting to be rotten at it because I grew up crocheting. However, once I got the hang of it, it slaughtered my anxiety! All my stress seemed to go down the minute I picked up the needles to work on something. So, instead of sharing my sewing goals every quarter, I thought I’d start the year by sharing my all-up Handmade Goals for Winter 2023.

This incorporates all the hobbies, crafts, and textiles I plan to create!

Handmade Goals for Winter 2023

Due to my No Spend Month, I’m trying so hard not to buy any more yarn. Not a bad thing, as I have other projects to work on but I totally have a folder saved with yarn I want in the future. Now, I’m just waiting on a sale. 👀

Finish my first sweater

I’m so close but I’m enjoying how slow it’s going. It’s not perfect. It’s not even close. I’m pretty sure I did the raglan stitch too tight and… wrong, actually. But I keep learning!

This is the Seamless Mock Neck Sweater pattern from Well-Loved Knits is amazing. It’s for a “confident beginner” and that’s exactly how I acted when I bought it… Haha. It has taken me so much longer to make because I am, in fact, not a confident beginner. Though, I am now!

Make a two-piece set

I have this beautiful vintage winter floral quilt fabric that I want to make a two-piece set out of. I mentioned this in my sewing goals last quarter. The end of last year was busy and it was hard for me to do anything outside of work. I’d like to start with the pants and see if I can add the halter in Spring! Though, I think putting a halter over a black turtle neck will be darling.

Re-knit white beanie

Well, hahahahah. Oh gosh.

I have re-made this beanie 7 times and I suppose 8 will be the charm! The skein I bought is a significantly thicker yarn than the others in the same model and brand. Which, I suppose confirms why I should be making a swatch before every project… turns out gauge is super important.

Knit blue beanie

I also need to make one last beanie for the holidays! I still can’t decide which one of my siblings is going to get this but I think it’s going to be beautiful. The color is amazing.

This has become a quick-knit now. I think I’ll make this on my flight to and from ABQ this month.

I don’t have a lot of goals this quarter because last time I was overzealous. I didn’t sew a single thing and now I want to find a new pattern to completely re-do the plaid dress I made a few years ago. I don’t think it’s going to come out the way I want it to. If anything, they would make lovely new pillowcases.

Are you making anything over the winter months?

Love Alli // On the Trip side Signature

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Andres Drop Yarn
Mock Neck Sweater PDF
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