Books I Love to ReRead
Hello, my darling friends! This post is about the Books I Love to ReRead because I noticed I don’t just love picking up new books but also love keeping the books I reread. My personal library is small because I…
Sewing Goals for Q4 2022
As you know, I’ve been working on a lot of challenges this year. A lot of audiobook and physical book challenges. There have also been some fitness challenges as well. Today I’m sharing my Sewing Goals for Q4 2022 because…
My Sewing Recap: All The Things I Made Summer 2022
Big news! HUGE! Last week I finally bit the bullet and bought a sewing bar (post here)for all my sewing supplies. I’m so excited and annoyed I didn’t invest in one sooner. I’ve been pulling my sewing machine, overlocker, and…
This is The Craziest Challenge I’m Accepting Yet…
My family always laughs at me because I’m “always doing something”. I love a challenge. I put a lot of thought into each one to see if I’ll be able to be successful. Examples are: Rowing and adding a minute,…
13 Easy Hobbies to Travel With
As some of you know, I re-picked up sewing. It used to be one of my favorite hobbies. Plus, with the economy and inflation right now it makes sense to re-work some of my old clothing and fabric and give…
The Best Binge-worthy Content on Streaming Services
A few weeks ago I wrote about how I went to the beach with a friend and we spent far too long trying to find a movie to watch on Netflix. Til we finally gave up and went to Amazon…
Monthly Subscriptions That Are Actually Worth It
While at the beach, my friend and I were discussing if we thought Netflix was still worth it. We logged into her account and it took us 30 minutes of riffling only to move over to Amazon Prime. We found…
All The Audiobooks I Listened to Last Year
Last year, I’ve read and listened to more books than I probably have in 5. I made a goal to read 12 books but I also made a secret audiobook goal of 12. All in all, I listened to 20…
15 Hobbies to do while Social Distancing
Hello my friends! We are just cruising through our Stay Home movement in Seattle. It’s been a really tough two months but I’m determined to do my part. With that said, most people rushed into doing hobbies right off the…