All The Audiobooks I Listened to Last Year
Book Guides,  Lifestyle,  Mental Health

All The Audiobooks I Listened to Last Year

Last year, I’ve read and listened to more books than I probably have in 5. I made a goal to read 12 books but I also made a secret audiobook goal of 12.

All in all, I listened to 20 audiobooks over the course of the year. The majority are from the library and about 4 are on Audible. As previously mentioned, in my How to get Free Books while Traveling post, downloading Libby has been one of the best things to happen to me during the pandemic. Audiobooks on hold and on-demand at an endless capacity.

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All The Audiobooks I Listened to Last Year

Though I didn’t meet my reading challenge, I exceeded my audiobooks challenge.

At first, I was disappointed in myself. I associate reading with being intelligent (which is a societal assumption we tend to make). However, I read 8 hours a day at work and then for pleasure the rest of the day. Think: Health articles, blogs, social media posts, project management tools, slack, emails, pings, HTML code, tags, etc.

Audiobooks are a way for me to escape screen time and eye strain. I get the story while multitasking on my walks, exercising, road-tripping and flying.

So, if you didn’t meet your reading goal this year either, don’t fret. You’re most definitely not alone and don’t let it discourage you from this year’s challenge either.

The Whole Audiobook List

Top 5 Audiobooks

  1. Nomadland – SO much better than the movie
  2. WIld Love – Am buying the second book in the series at my book store
  3. It Happened One Summer – My favorite Tessa Bailey book and it takes place in WA state!
  4. The Trouble with Hating You – My first Indian American romance novel and I lovedddd it.
  5. One Day in December – A meet-cute holiday book that’s full of twists and turmoil… and happy ending.

As you can see, I tried a lot of categories of audiobooks. I learned a lot about what I like and don’t. For example, historical romance? Hardddd pass.

Goals for this Year

As mentioned in my recap and goals post last week, I am determined to listen to 24 books this year! Aiming for twice a month and that’s not including the 12 books I need to read for my goodreads challenge.

We gotta make life fun, right?!

What are some of your favorite books that you’ve listened to this year? I’m open to any and all recommendations!

There is nothing quite like a book full of adventure.

Happy reading!

Love Alli // On the Trip side Signature

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