My Favorite Cities to Visit During the Holidays
Hello, from Las Vegas, my friends! I’m still on my “Sunshine Trip”. I’m currently basking at the pool. JB & JL and I have dinner reservations tonight. Then JB and I are going to see a show and meet back…
My Favorite Christmas Albums
If you’re a lover and collector of music, this blogmas post is for you. I’m sharing My Favorite Christmas Albums of all time! I’m that person who has the Christmas radio station preset on their dash. Then Christmas leaves and…
8 Etsy Stores to Shop for the Holidays!
Hello, my darlings. Welcome to day 7 of blogmas. 🎄 I have shopped on Etsy more this year than any before. Partly because I’m trying to shop small and support more women-owned businesses. If you’re looking to do the same,…
The Best Ornaments on my Christmas Tree this Year
I’m writing this from a Starbucks today. Unfortunately, someone shattered my driver’s side car window the night before last with a BB… I’m perfectly fine. My car is, otherwise, unharmed. However, it did put me in a sour mood. So,…
5 Things I’m Loving Right Now
I cannot believe it’s November. Truthfully, I’m realizing I don’t hate Autumn in the PNW. This year I’m embracing the rain, leaves blowing, crisp morning air, and darkness at 7am. I’ve written a few other 5 Things I’m Loving Right…
This Year’s Fall Bucket List
This Year’s Fall Bucket List is up! That’s right, even though I’m a Summer beach girl, through and through (like it’s in my bones, my DNA! It’s a lifestyle, really). I’m ready for the late sunrise and sunset and to…
The Top 5 Places I’ve Traveled So Far
Over the past year, I’ve heard of so many people traveling to Greece. I think 50% of the people I work with have gone this year. Which is wonderful! As those islands are dependent on travelers spending money in their…
Life in Seattle: The Perfect Summer Day
If you’re new here, I’m going to tell you a big secret. One of the most beautiful places in the world is the PNW in the summertime. There’s very little rain and it’s full of greenery, wildlife, and genuine happiness…
Summer Recipes I’m Loving Right Now
I’ve started this post so many times. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to simply share these recipes or write out my weekly meal plans. Either way, I want to share these Summer Recipes I’m Loving Right Now so that…
What’s on My Summer Bucket List This Year
Summer hasn’t shown up in Seattle yet. For those of us who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder 🙋🏼♀️ … we’re not doing great. Personally, I’m desperate for sunshine like many others. Especially those of us with a laundry list of…