37 Years Around the Sun & 37 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
I’ve been trying to celebrate little things this year. I’m convinced that happiness lies in everyday common things but today is special, as today marks my 37th year around the sun! ☀️
The past few years have been pretty hard, especially around my birthday. I spent my 35th alone. Last year I rented a boat on Lake Washington but, as Seattle does, it rained the whole time. This year it’s expected to rain as well and I will get dinner with some girlfriends. Which is really nice of them, since everyone else I know is sick.
I’ve also got a trip planned so I will finally get some sunshine… this has been our worst Spring in 10 years. So, I’m very excited to get out for a bit.

37 Years Around the Sun & 37 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
Alright, let’s jump right in!
37 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
- I am the oldest of 4 in my family.
- My 9-5 is in Marketing for a major retailer – I like my job, and the people, and I’m proud of the company I work for.
- I eat dessert every single day. No, really… every single day.
- My favorite foods are sandwiches – I can’t resist a club or a BLT on a menu.
- Earl Grey tea is my morning brew.
- If I could go anywhere tomorrow it’d be the Italian coast. I miss the sun.
- My heritage is mostly Italian, Scottish, English, and Haitian.
- Two hobbies I love that not a lot of people know are sewing and cross-stitching. I could do them for hours and get lost in them.
- I grew up in Hillsboro, Oregon. A town that was much smaller and is about 20 mins outside of PDX.
- If my building allowed animals, I would love to get a puppy. This doesn’t make me a dog person, I love kittens too. I love baby animals. All of them. I’m non-bias. Haha.
- I struggle to book my solo trips every time. Eventually, I give up waiting for friends and family and just, go.
- I’m happiest after a long morning walk, laying on my couch with a cup of tea, jazz music playing, and a really good book.
- I met my best friend in 3rd grade. She lives near Portland and though we haven’t seen each other in almost 3 years, we talk almost every single day.
- When I was little I wanted to be a rock superstar, like Hollywood Barbie, who traveled the world with her husband and 4 children… LOL. Nope.
- My go-to “keep me company” movie is Jurassic Park.
- When I feel sad or down, it’s Crazy Rich Asians.
- I used to work at DisneyWorld in college and I loved it.
- Australia is #1 on my bucket list, but it’s expensive and 2 days of traveling.
- I don’t drink soda. I don’t like carbonated beverages. Nope, not even champagne, but I’m not going to be rude, so if it’s handed to me… I’ll drink it. 😉
- I’m pretty short. I get told that a lot. I’m 5’3 but you’d never know cause I’m almost always wearing 1-3 inch heels.
- Life & Clue are my favorite board games.
- I’ve never had cable tv as an adult and don’t plan to ever get it. I prefer youtube, Netflix, and BritBox.
- At the beginning of 2020, I paid off all my student loan debt. I was on a tight budget for over 2.5 years but I did it and it’s something I’m most proud of. I’m debt-free.
- I think Barcelona is overhyped and overrated. I’m sorry if it’s your favorite place, I’m partial to Italy.
- When I was a kid I hated clowns… still do.
- I absolutely love watching and listening to ASMR videos. Especially before bed and while blogging.
- Box brownies are my go-to when I’m desperate for something sweet. I always have a box in the cupboard.
- I met my best friend in the third grade when our teacher placed us across from one another. She made a horse stable out of paper and the next day I brought in a toy horse to keep on my desk. She made one for me too. Luckiest day of my life. New town and the best BFF.
- My bachelor’s degree is in Art History with a minor in Photography.
- The clarinet is what a played from 6th to 12th grade. Including symphonic & marching band. (Then I did Colorguard & Winter Guard and was the captain!)
- During the summer months, all I want to do is eat my weight in nectarines.
- My mom bought me Mariah Carey’s “Butterfly” CD for Easter one year and I’m pretty sure I wore it out. SO GOOD.
- I have a tattoo.
- There are emergency snacks in all of my handbags because I’m constantly underestimating my metabolism.
- Sometimes I color and listen to jazz to calm myself down after a hard day.
- Long hot showers are my weakness. If I could, I’d take a 45 minutes shower every day.
- I never wear nail polish on my fingernails but I always have it on my toenails.
Phew! That was a lot of things! Well, okay, 37 things but I really had to think of some gems for you guys. Thank you so much for reading 37 Years Around the Sun & 37 Things You Didn’t Know About Me, and for getting to know me more. I’ve had so much fun writing these blog posts and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me this year.
Wishing you a great week!

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