What You Can Expect From Me Going Forward // On the Trip Side
Ethical & Sustainable,  Lifestyle,  Money-Savings,  Travel,  Wellness

What You Can Expect From Me Going Forward

Hello, darling friends! This week has been one of the most educational, enlightening and humbling weeks of my entire life. It’s also my birthday week to boot. So, it’s a great time to share what you can expect from me going forward from my blog.

This is a really big moment in history for all of us. Those of us who have taken the time to sit, read and listen to our black community have really had an eye opening experience. It’s something I have a lot of shame and guilt about, to be perfectly honest.

As a a white woman, I have seen quite a lot of prejudice in my time. In reality, it’s nothing compared to what any black woman has seen in their lifetime. Let me be clear here, no prejudice is okay. The fact that we still see prejudice to this day shows, in itself, how flawed our American system truly is. It’s something I want to help change, for the better.

So, what can you expect from me going forward.

This blog has always been a place of style. Which you will continue to see. However, I’d like to use this space as a place for education on everything I love, find useful and also what I think truly matters.

Thus, I will be talking primarily about the following topics:

  1. Ethical and Sustainable Life & Style
  2. Travel
  3. Wellness
  4. Saving & Budgeting

These 4 topics are pretty broad but open for me to make them what I want in the future. I will be continuing my education on black history, art and anti-racism. I will also be continuing my education on the ethics of human work-environments, learning where my clothing (and beauty products) are coming from and also environmental sustainability.

Ethical and Sustainable Life & Style

Don’t be surprised when you start seeing posts about the new book I’m reading on African American art or ways you can recycle/reuse your spice jars. 😊I’m very excited about this moving forward.

For the time being, you can still expect my Tasty Tuesdays but those will end up going monthly (not weekly) as time moves on. Additionally, you will see me talking about secondhand and sustainable clothing/brands because that has been my passion for numerous years now.

Eventually the pandemic will lift up and I’ll be able to get back into the thrift stores to chat more about them. 😉


Again, once this pandemic lifts up a bit, I do plan to write about traveling a lot more. I’ve been social distancing due to my parents both being high risk, so traveling has been out of the question. However, I have gone on a hike and done a lot of driving around the Seattle area and those are a few topics I’d like to touch on this month.

I’m really excited for this channel going forward.


This category has been big during covid. In fact, there hasn’t been a more important topic than the general health and wellness of myself and loved ones. I suspect the same on your end as well.

Going forward, I want to talk about healthy meals, meal planning and meal budgeting. I want to also touch on mental health topics, books, etc and, my favorite, fitness.

Saving & Budgeting

This has been something I’ve been planning on talking about for a while. You’ll find out soon enough. However to give a brief generalization, I’ve been living in the city my myself for quite a long time now. I’ve gone through the ups and downs of budgeting, planning and saving. Some have failed, some are successful but I want to share what has worked.

I always get asked how I save for my oversea’s trips and how I travel inexpensively in new cities. I also get asked how I buy new clothes and stay trendy when on such a tight budget. All topics I will cover!

My conclusion

I’m really excited to move forward with these new categories as my front. I know that I am only one person and I can’t change the world on my own but I do know, if I share what I know, maybe you’ll come along on the journey with me.

Stay healthy, happy and safe out there, my friends. 💖


Thanks for reading my What You Can Expect From Me Going Forward post. Here are a few other posts you might be interested in: