10 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When Stressed // On the Trip Side
Mental Health,  Wellness

10 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When Stressed

Hello darlings. What a month. What a crazy, consuming and heart wrenching month for so many of us. To be honest, I’ve had it rather easy. My truths are these: I live alone, I still have a full time job, I am healthy, happy and safe. During this time, I’d like to shift my focus for a while. You all know I love style, thrifting and adventures but right now I feel a strong call to address: 10 ways take care of yourself when stressed.

Some of these may seem very obvious but it’s so easy to forget to do these things every single day. This is almost like a check list for me everyday.

One // Hydrate

If you’re like me, when you’re at work, you find any excuse to get up and move around. I purposely have a 16oz water bottle so I can get up and move and to remind myself to hydrate at least 3x a day. At home, the walk to get water is a LOT shorter and it’s so easy to get distracted. I now keep my 40oz hydro flask at my desk to make sure I’m getting that H2O through out the day. Nuun tablets are also great when you realize you’re already a bit behind.

10 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When Stressed // On the Trip Side
Two // Get Nourished

Vitamins and minerals! That’s the key to saying healthy. I’ve got a lot of girlfriends taking vitamin supplements. Personally, they’re way too hard on my stomach so I stick to the good old fashioned way: Getting my nutrients through food! (Like from my Quick & Easy Green Smoothie recipe 😉)

This is one of the reasons why I’ve started a new series that’ll drop every Tuesday called: Tasty Tuesdays. I’ve so excited to share these with you.

Three // Minimize Watching the News

I recommend catching your local news on youtube! In Seattle, KING 5 news does an amazing job highlighting every thing three times a day. I grab the 5pm round up and I love it. Just enough to be in the know but wrapped in a 16 minute max round up. I’ve found that this reduces your stress, anxiety and helps you focus on other things.

Four // Minimize TV

Minimizing tv, in general, not only free’s you up but also helps with eye strain. Personally, I look at my monitors all day. If I’m not looking at a monitor, it’s my phone or the tv. Give yourself a break. If you must have the tv on, try listing to music and maybe have a dance party instead. 😊

Five // Get Fresh air

Whether this is merely opening up every single window in your apartment/house/condo/living space, get some fresh air. It’s amazing what breathing in crisp morning air will do for you and the rest of the day. My windows stay open for an hour in the morning. Then when I go for my walk I open all the windows again til I get back. Yes, I need to clean the dust off a few times a week but it lightens up my apartment’s vibes a lot.

10 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When Stressed
Six // Clean

Speaking of dusting, darlings, this one is a must during this unique time. Cleaning your sanctuary is key to staying healthy, happy and safe. It’s a trifecta!

Make sure you are cleaning your body everyday, change your sheets once a week and disinfecting any surface you meal prep and cook on. Personally, I have a check list of choirs I break out every week. On Sunday night, I do my best to change my sheets and clean the bathroom mirror, etc. (Side bar, my Roomba was the best investment all year.)

Seven // Create a space for meditation

This one is hard. I won’t lie to you, friends. It’s weird right now. Totally crazy town but, finding a spot to center yourself and meditate is important. A girlfriend of mine has “meditation hour” with her kids. She sets an alarm and her kids can read, mediate with her, do yoga or play quietly in their own space. I love this idea.

The point is to take that time and focus on your breathing, yourself and your mental health. If you’re knew to this idea, this work book is a great way to fill in that time. I have a section of my apartment that I can transform into whatever I need it to be. A workout station, dance area, etc. Just find a space for you.

Eight // Connect with Friends/Family

Arguably the most important ways to destress for my fellow extroverts out there. Facetime, marco polo, strava, messanger, instagram are all your new best friends right now. Bridging that communication loss is a big one. Arrange a virtual trivia night, host virtual wine parties or just catch up.

10 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When Stressed
Nine // Exercise

I have quite a few posts coming up about this key de-stressing topic. The point of this is, keep moving. Always move your body. If you don’t have a fit bit, schedule time on your calendar or set an alarm to make sure you’re able to move every so often. I have a goal to exercise at least once a day, even if it’s just an hour walk around the neighborhood. Have 5 second dance parties! They always make me happy, which leads me to number 10!

Ten // Laugh

This is my favorite bullet point, which is why it’s the last one. Guys, just do what makes you happy. Find something, anything, (through social distancing, of course) and do it. I buy myself flowers every other week. They brighten my apartment table and make me so happy. I treat myself to chocolate every night. I also stay in bed on Saturday morning to go down facebook video rabbit holes. Do what makes you laugh and enjoy life. It’s also a great conversation starter for #8!

There we go, friends! Those are my personal top 10 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When Stressed. I’d love to know if you have anything else to add. In the meantime, I hope you are all staying happy, healthy and safe during this time.

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  • Anna

    Great recommendations and important tips there! I am trying to redirect my mind ‘inwards’ taking time to nourish myself and exercise and generally enjoying that I have more time to do these things, which in turn make me feel better physically and mentally.
    I guess my advice is linked to limiting screen time, but losing yourself in a book is a great way to distress and give brain a break from thinking – and to avoid screens, go old-school and read paper books 🙂

    Stay safe!

    xx A.

    • Alli

      I LOVE that advice and going old school! Reading a book is so relaxing just before bed or on a very lazy Saturday. I should definitely stock up on books this week. 💖

  • Nicole

    All really great tips to focus on during this time. I suggest also trying Amazing Grass effervescent tablets.The berry flavor is my jam👌🏼

    • Alli

      Yes! I loveeee the lemon-lime flavor. SO good, and good for you! Thanks so much, Nicole! 💖

  • Ishea

    Great tips… but also GREAT photography! The biggest ways I’ve been able to manage myself at home has been limiting my news intake. I signed up for the New York Times daily email digests that send a wonderful summary of all the top headlines. I take a look at it each morning and feel connected to what’s happening in the world, without being overwhelmed. Also – midday walks for my lunch break has been a game chaner.

    • Alli

      Thank you! It’s been fun to try taking pictures at home instead of outside. I’m so fortunate to have such natural light! I love the NYTs idea. I get overwhelmed easily so just the basic info is the best for me too. Also, daily walks have been a lifesaver. 💖