Mental Health,  Wellness

7 Ways to Reset from Technology Overload

Dear friends, I know I can’t be the only one who’s been suffering through Technology Overload. Right? It’s that terrible feeling when you have 27 notifications on your phone, can’t keep your eyes straight, have a tension headache on both temples and you just want to lay down with your eyes closed in the dark. Yep! Me too, friends. Here are my 7 Ways to Reset from Technology Overload!

Admitting you’re going through tech overload (or shock) is rough. It took me 2 whole days to accept it. I had to get away from all my screens. It was making me getting physically sick! I got to the point where I left my apartment and just walked for 2 straight hours, just to get away.

Okay! Let’s get into it!

One // Turn off All Notifications

In fact, feel free to turn off your phone for half the day. The key to truly going through a tech break is to do just that. Get away! It’ll all be there when you get back. Your work, friends, family. Just take a deep breath and lock your phone away in a draw for a while.

7 Ways to Reset from Technology Overload // On the Trip Side
Two // Get out of the House

Despite the Stay Home movement, you should 100% be getting out for fresh air and exercise. Depending where you are, don’t forget your masks! Those fortunate enough to have a backyard: use it! Oh, you have my envy. I would do a lot of things for a patio or balcony right now.

Personally, I go for a walk every single day. It doesn’t matter if it’s rain or freezing cold out, I go out for my walk. It can differ between 1-2 hours, depending on how much time I spent in front of my monitors that day. It’s great exercise and also fantastic for your eyes just to get away.

Three // Read a Paperback Book

I know, old school! Guys, I love a kindle just as much as the next. In fact, I own one! However, you’re in front of, yet another, screen. Sometimes going old school is better for you all around. It’ll help your eyes reset and also bring your stress levels down. I very much recommend getting blue light glasses if you only have a kindle reader.

Same goes for magazines! There are tons on sale right now and, during this time, something I look forward to getting in the mail. My favorite subscriptions in the past have been: Town & Country, Women’s Fitness, Martha Stewart & Magnolia.

Four // Listen to Music/Podcasts & Craft

This is mostly, again, to get your eyes off of a screen. I really love listening to podcasts when I go on my walks but often times I’ll finish up the episode when I get home. I put my feet up or I’ll start making dinner.

I’ve also continued working on a puzzle, started cleaning or laying still for a bit. My cousin loves to needle point while listening to podcasts. My sister loves to listen to music while she water paints. These are all great ideas to get your eyes and mind off your gadgets.

Five // Try on Everything on Your Closet

Hear me out… It’s Spring. You know what that means: Spring Cleaning. Not only time to go through your clothes but also a great time to piece together some Spring outfits for the season! I love to pull out my clothes and pair pieces together. This act will help you move onto cleaning other spots in your home. I have a great pinterest Spring Style board for you to check out!

Bonus: Also a great time to clean out your make up and your bathroom.

Six // Re-Organize Your Kitchen

Once you start a project like this… you can’t stop. You’ll move from cupboard to cupboard and not have a screen in sight! You won’t even want one in front of you. You’ll be too busy trying to figure out how you didn’t know you still had an espresso maker.

I think some people would be surprised how relaxed their eyes feel after organizing their seasonings. I love how my spices are organized now that I have a spice rack in my cupboard.

Seven // Lay Down and Close Your Eyes in the Dark

Yes, literally. Just take a beat. It’s absolutely okay to lay down in the living room, in the floor (or a yoga mat) and just lay there! Take some deep breaths and try not to think. Sometimes I think that meditation is a bit overrated in certain situations. If your mind is racing, that’s okay! That means you have a lot going on and a lot to think about. Sometimes it’s anxiety. When this happens, put your feet up the wall until your heart beat comes down.

Taking time away from a screen, monitor or tv set isn’t just mental health. It’s also physical health too. So, do what’s best for you!

That concludes my 7 Ways to Reset from Technology Overload. I’d love to know the actions you take to rest from technology. It’s crucial, right now, to take these little moments to ourselves.  

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