6 Acts of Self-Care
Well, my darlings. It’s that terrible time of year when everything is dark and stormy. All we want is sunshine and rainbows. Yet, nothing but rain, rain and more rain. Not to worry, friends! This post can help with anyone’s seasonal depression. Let me introduce you to my guide: 6 Acts of Self-Care, for all year round.
One // Weekly flowers on the table
This is small. The smallest little gesture of love. It’s just for you and it’ll make you happy every day: buy yourself flowers.
Personally, I pick up flowers for every single Sunday at the grocery store. It’s a treat to myself and the first thing I grab when I walk into the store. Then I go home and make my own beautiful arrangement or simply put them in water.
For the next 6 – 8 days, I’m happy when I see them in the morning and when I come home from work. It’s my way of telling myself “you’re worth it”, because (frankly) I am.
Two // Earl grey tea on quiet mornings
This is something I do for myself every morning. Sometimes I’m rushed because I’ve over slept but it’s one of my favorite little things that I look forward to. There is nothing more calming than soft jazz music on a Saturday morning and a nice cup or earl grey tea.
Here’s my favorite American Earl Grey tea:
- Harney & Sons Imperial Earl Grey (also available at Target sometimes)
- Smith Tea Lord Bergamot (A Portland, OR brand of Earl Grey)
Here are also a few of my favorite slow jazz music stations on youtube:
- Morning Jazz Music – Soothing Instrumental Jazz by Relax Cafe Music
- Seaside Cafe Jazz Music – Slow Hiphop Jazz by Cafe Music BGM
- Easy Listening Smooth Cafe Jazz – Chill out, Soothing Jazz by Relax Cafe Music
- Hawaiian Cafe Music – Tropical Island Beach Guitar Music by BGM Channel
Three // Yoga 3-4x a week
This one is big and can 100% be replaced with any kind of exercise. Yoga just speaks to me and it’s my go-to for everything moment of anxiety, stress or disappointment. The point of this act of self-care is just that: self care.
What’s beautiful about yoga is that it keeps you still. You’re there to focus on your body’s balance, strength and your posture while in your pose. Plus, I love that each class starts with setting an intention for that day’s practice.
Doing this little act of kindness for yourself is how your body will learn to crave a routined exercise. I love the thought of self-care as a routine. <3
Some intentions I set for class are:
- I am enough
- I am strong hearted, willed and minded
- Happiness & gratitude
- Let love in
- Allow my pain to heal
- Peaceful, calm energy
- Push stress away/No stress today
- Let this sad go
Four // Homemade soup
A homemade meal of any kind is truly good for the soul. Whether it’s an old family treasure or a favorite soup from a fellow blogger, a home cooked meal is always what the doctor ordered.
Regardless of where you get the recipe, the act of making a meal (or multiples) to feed yourself is the ultimate self-care action. Especially when its packed with good nutritious and healthy foods!
Food is fuel for the brain! The healthier the food, the better the body recharges and the more positive the mind can be. I’m not saying it’ll fix all mental health but it’s definitely an aid during dark days. This Harvard article is super interesting and based on how food can affect your brain.
A few favorite healthy recipes/meal plan go-tos are:
Five // Sleep until you naturally wake up
Sleep and I have a very dysfunctional relationship. I love to stay up all night in my bed. Sometimes for reading, other times I’m looking for a new recipe on pinterest. Whatever the reason, the point is: I don’t get enough sleep and you probably don’t either.
Which is WHY number 5 is focused on sleep!
Listen, we need it. It helps your body heal from sickness. It helps your body build muscles and your brain to power down and relax. In fact, lack of sleep is linked to a number of negative effects on your body, including: weight gain, heart disease, high blood pressure and memory loss. (more here)
On the days I have the opportunity to. I sleep in until I naturally wake up. Whether its 8 hours or 10, I listen to my body and just do it.
What helps me sleep? Great question.
- A cool bedroom
- A nice weighted duvet
- A sound machine (I like the rain channel)
- These PJs
Six // Give
Last, and most definitely my favorite of these 6 acts of self-care, is: to give.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, makes me more happy than the ability to give back. This can be taken how ever you’d like.
To me, this means giving to my ride or die friends. It also means giving back to my community. For others, self-care might be giving to themselves and there’s nothing wrong with that! In fact, I love the idea of treating myself to a nice pair of sunglasses because you DO deserve it. This all depends on who you are.
I like to hyper personalize gifts for friends and family. I also love volunteering. There’s honestly nothing that makes me feel better than knowing I could brighten someones day by organizing a store at Seattle’s Treehouse, volunteering my time with kids at the Ryther Center or the YMCA and donating to a great cause.
Here are some easy ways to give:
- Have a girls night with your friend. Surprise them with homemade pizza, wine and a great movie line up for the night.
- Buy coffee for the friend who’s always down to listen.
- Treat your friend to that extra special birthday gift they really want.
- Hand write thank you cards and mail them out.
- Volunteer at your local food bank, 21 and under homeless shelter, women’s shelter, foster care services, etc.
- Donate blood.
That a wrap friends.
Those are my 6 acts of self-care. I try to follow these everyday for my own mental health and to create a happy lifestyle. I hope you leave me a comment and tell me what you do for your own self-care. XOXO!
Other posts you might be interested in:
- 4 Best Remedies for a Cold (because it’s that time of year)
- Dark Florals 90s Dress (those looking for thrifted fashion)
- 24 Hours in Portland (if you need a mini escape)