• 4 Hours in Salem, Massachusetts

    Hello, dear readers! I’m back with another short and sweet trip. This time, I flew to Boston for an extended weekend and took a mini-side trip to the witchiest city in the USA—Salem, Massachusetts. Today, I’m sharing my guide for…

  • 5 Places I Want to Visit in the New Year

    For blogmas day number 18, I’m going rogue and sharing the 5 Places I Want to Visit in the New Year! Spoiler, only one is in the US. Haha! I think I’ve been trapped long enough in the states and…

  • The Best Ornaments on my Christmas Tree this Year

    The Best Ornaments on my Christmas Tree this Year

    I’m writing this from a Starbucks today. Unfortunately, someone shattered my driver’s side car window the night before last with a BB… I’m perfectly fine. My car is, otherwise, unharmed. However, it did put me in a sour mood. So,…

  • The Ultimate Gift Guide for Travelers!

    The Ultimate Gift Guide for Travelers!

    Most travel aficionados have their essentials and favorite travel items picked out. They have the perfect carry-on bag and their preferred passport holder. I’ve had my passport holder for 8 years and I still love it. Why break what’s not…

  • Stranded Alone at a Cabin in the Woods

    Well, hahahah! This post was originally supposed to be called “how to have a successful blogging retreat” but it wasn’t successful and we definitely didn’t get any blogging done. Nope, instead, Shanna & I got Stranded Alone at a Cabin…

  • 9 Reasons Traveling Alone is the Best Way To Travel

    There are a lot of misconceptions about traveling alone. It’s understandable. When you first start, it can be really scary. Especially if you’re in a new country and you don’t speak the language. Which is why I always recommend traveling…

  • 5 Things I’m Loving Right Now

    I cannot believe it’s November. Truthfully, I’m realizing I don’t hate Autumn in the PNW. This year I’m embracing the rain, leaves blowing, crisp morning air, and darkness at 7am. I’ve written a few other 5 Things I’m Loving Right…