Books & Bottles Series (#21)
Hello, my darling friends! Today’s Books & Bottles Series (#21) is a mystery thriller. Which, I think it’s fitting because it’s Halloween today! This is my second book in this genre and I’m proud to say, it didn’t give me…
Books I Love to ReRead
Hello, my darling friends! This post is about the Books I Love to ReRead because I noticed I don’t just love picking up new books but also love keeping the books I reread. My personal library is small because I…
All the Audiobooks I Listened to This Year (Q3/22)
17 audiobooks this quarter! You guys! That’s so many and the majority of them were in July. I walked a lot. All the Audiobooks I Listened to This Year (Q3/22) Disclaimer: The following post has Bookshop & Amazon affiliate links. If…
Books & Bottles Series (#20)
I’ve gotten through so many books this year, you guys! The series has really held me accountable for reading over the past two years. I love crushing my goals and I’ve been thinking about continuing on with the Books &…
My Favorite Romance Book Tropes
You guys… I’ve become obsessed with books. Like, to the point where I had an anxiety attack thinking about all of the books there are in the world, and how I will never read them all. Especially, my genre of…
Books & Bottles Series (#18)
A little behind on my posts for July but that’s okay! It’s the end of the month and it’s time for my favorite series on my blog. It’s Books & Bottles time, my friends! I can’t believe this but I’m…
All the Audiobooks I Listened to This Year (Q2/22)
Hello Dolls! Can we talk about how we’re in JULY right now?! July! This year is flying by, in comparison to 2021. Anyway, we’re half way through and that can only mean one thing for the blog today… it’s time…
Books & Bottles Series (#17)
The one where Alli cannot fathom it being the end of June… Happy Books & Bottles post, my friends! I’m happy I started this series last year. It’s really kept me honest and challenged me to read at least one…
Books & Bottles Series (#16)
Happy Memorial Day, you guys! Also, welcome to May’s Books & Bottles Series (#16). This weekend has gone by too quickly… in fact, this month has – but I’m really excited to share my book. I’ve been loving reading recently.…
Monthly Subscriptions That Are Actually Worth It
While at the beach, my friend and I were discussing if we thought Netflix was still worth it. We logged into her account and it took us 30 minutes of riffling only to move over to Amazon Prime. We found…