5 Things I’m Loving Right Now
Happy whatever-day-it-is-today, loves! I’ve been trying really hard to work ahead on blog posts this month but I’m taking a moment to write this one because I think it’s important to catch you guys up on what’s going on with…
11 Ways to Get Rid of the Monday Blues
Hello, my darlings! It comes every 7 days. It’s a ball of stress. It’s a reminder that being an adult is hard… You guessed it. Here are 11 Ways to Get Rid of the Monday Blues. I don’t know about…
Monthly Subscriptions That Are Actually Worth It
While at the beach, my friend and I were discussing if we thought Netflix was still worth it. We logged into her account and it took us 30 minutes of riffling only to move over to Amazon Prime. We found…
11 Things I Do Before Going to Bed
Like everyone, I have my quirks. Some people have to wash their hair every day or they feel gross. Others need to have a snack at 3 o’clock on the dot. My quirks are these 11 Things I Do Before…
Books & Bottles Series (#15)
Hello, dolls! It’s the end of the month and that means it’s time for April’s Books & Bottles Series (#15)! This month we’re going a little kooky. Instead of reviewing a bottle of wine, I grabbed a Washington canned wine…
Why Walking is the Best Transportation while Traveling
Hello, my darlings! I’d like to start by saying: I’m not here to convince you Why Walking is the Best Transportation while Traveling. However, the majority of the time, it is. Especially when visiting a new city or leisurely traveling.…
All the Audiobooks I Listened to This Year (Q1/22)
You guys! We have completed the first three months of the year! (… somehow.) I’m unsure how but I’m happy to be here. Spring is on its way to the PNW and I can share All the Audiobooks I Listened…
Books & Bottles Series (#14)
Well, my friends, I don’t know how we got here but it’s the end of the month of March and I really couldn’t be more excited. March tends to be a really bad month for me and blogging. I think…
Things I Never Leave The House Without
Hello, my darling friends! This weekend I spent a good chunk of time on mini adventures with my parents and a friend. It got me thinking about all the Things I Never Leave The House Without, even on a day…
Staycation, Depression, and Life Catch Up
Hello, my friends! It’s been a few weeks since I’ve sat down and written a post about travel. It’s taken a back seat while I’ve been heads down working my 9-5. I can feel the tension building though and I’m…