Mid-May Round-Up
Hello, my darling friends. It’s been a while since I’ve sat down and had a true catch-up with you all. I’m been nothing short of busy this Spring and it’s partly due to work and partly due to over-booking myself on the weekends.
I think after last month, and a lot of the grief I was working through, I’ve been prioritizing my mental health and happiness. It’s been tough to find a comfortable balance and even harder to fit my blog into it lately. Generally, I don’t have an issue taking pictures everywhere I go or asking friends/family to take my picture… but I haven’t felt photogenic and I’m struggling a lot with getting back into a workout routine that’s working for me.
Actually, I’ve completely lost my routine. Including my morning one, which I loved so much. I would like to get back in it but going to bed on time has been a struggle because I’ve also been trying to prioritize knitting and reading!
In short – there’s simply not enough time in the day and I’m trying to be kinder to myself about it but it’s not working. 😔

Mid-May Round-Up
With that said, I did get a few photos of some of the things I’ve been up to! I thought I would share those today since this post is a bit of a one-off. I am excited to share that I was able to get into the mountains a few weekends ago and did my first hike of Spring 2023!
I want this Spring and Summer to be filled to the brim with sunshine, outdoor fun, and friends & family. So, I think I’m off to a great start.
Hiking Dirty Harry trail
This hike was straight up. Nothing tells me I’m out of shape than my first Spring hike with a bajillion switchbacks. I went on this hike with my friend, Becca, who also hadn’t done this hike before. We were absolute QUEENS about this hike. We did minimal research (I did make sure there wasn’t snow though), and we just went for it and we crushed it. She also indulged me by getting Mexican food on the way home.
I would totally do this trail again and I’m happy we did it so I can mark it off of my 3 Washington State Trails on my Spring Bucket List!
Morning walks with Trisha
Another thing I’ve been loving is accountability. I’ve been getting up early once a week and going for long walks and coffee dates with my friend, Trisha. We talk about all things fun and business. She’s so incredible and I admire her so much. I always learn something new on our outings, especially because it’s Spring and she’s in a Master Gardner course! I love hearing about different flowers from her.
Friday lunch dates with Amanda
Another friend, Amanda, and I are both really busy but have been trying to get lunch every other Friday or so. It’s been super fun to try different places, support local, and get in some sunshine! Last Friday we went to Twilight Exit. It had a killer BLT and tots. It’s really the little things, you guys.
Yarn crawl and blogging Saturdays
Shanna is one of my really good friends. We try to meet up every week for a blogging coffee date. Sometimes they’re super effective, other times, it turns into a gossip session. Either way, it’s filled with idea-bouncing and fun.
Last weekend was a bust for me. We got to the coffee shop and I spilled coffee all down my bright white dress… I knew it was going to happen. Like, the odds that I spill coffee on myself is literally never. The odds of me spilling coffee on myself while wearing a white dress? 100%.
Tell me I’m wrong. I dare you.
The good news is, I got it out. By the grace of baking soda, vinegar, and oxy clean.
After an outfit change, we went out to two of our favorite wine shops to participate in the PNW Local Yarn Store Tour (aka a yarn tour). I ended up buying 6 skeins of 100% cotton fibers for two tank tops I’m excited to work on. I’ve already cast off on one and plan to knit a bit before bed tonight.
Reading at the park and seeing my favorite faux nephew
Anytime it’s sunny, I’m making plans to go to the park. Especially on slow work days. Once 4 pm hit, I’m leaving my apartment and headed outside for an hour of reading and hydrating.
I’m also loving making time to see my friend, Rylie, and her son. We got together this week at Greenlake Park to walk around it. He is extra wiggly because he’s learning to walk and just wants to be free all the time! He’s so cute and sweet though. Seeing him always makes my day. Especially when we get to have ice cream dates.
And that’s it, friends!
Thanks for reading my catch-up. Hope you’re all staying happy and healthy.

Other posts you might enjoy:
- This Year’s Spring Bucket List
- 29 Simple Ways to Better Yourself Daily
- Life in Seattle: The Perfect Summer Day