
Spring Cleaning Made Easy: A Checklist to Refresh Your Home for the New Season

Spring is a time for new beginnings, and what better way to start fresh than with a thorough spring cleaning of your home? It can be overwhelming to think about where to start but that’s what today’s post is all about! Spring Cleaning Made Easy: A Checklist to Refresh Your Home for the New Season.

Cleaning anything can be mundane and repetitive but it’s necessary for a happy more organized home. With the right checklist, you can break down every room into manageable tasks!

Spring Cleaning Made Easy: A Checklist to Refresh Your Home for the New Season

Below is my free printable checklist that is broken out by each room in my personal home. Feel free to utilize it in your own home to make this season’s cleaning extra easy.

Now, onto the tasks at hand!


The first step in Spring cleaning is actually decluttering and getting rid of what no longer serves your life. I like to do this by tackling the hardest spot in your home. For me, it’s my bedroom’s Monica closet. I have the largest closet in the world and thus, everything goes it in. Making it the perfect place to start pulling everything out and going through what’s no longer needed.

I like to separate everything into four piles:

  1. Garbage
  2. Donate
  3. Sell
  4. Keep

Deep clean

Next up is the most cathartic part. The deep clean. I love the feeling of each space after this part is done.

I love wiping everything down first. Then, I use an all-purpose cleaner spray on all my surfaces but a powder for tubs, stoves, and sinks. I also like to keep the windows open for air circulation.


This is my least favorite part but I will say that containers are helpful. So is a labeling system, and a place for everything. As I’m not an organization expert I will refrain from going forward.

However, I will say, Spring cleaning is the time of year I swap out all of my Fall/Winter wardrobes for my Spring/Summer. I also declutter and launder these as well. It’s a great time to consider bringing in your winter boots for repair and winterized for the next year, buttons replace, and coats dry cleaned.


This is my favorite step of Spring cleaning. I love refreshing my new space by opening all the windows, buying flowers, and lighting a floral seasonal candle.

As promised, my free printable checklist is below! I hope you use it and enjoy it.

Thank you so much for reading this blog post and I can’t wait to hear when you plan to start your Spring cleaning for the year.

Love Alli // On the Trip side Signature

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