5 Things I’m Loving Right Now
I cannot believe it’s November. Truthfully, I’m realizing I don’t hate Autumn in the PNW. This year I’m embracing the rain, leaves blowing, crisp morning air, and darkness at 7am. I’ve written a few other 5 Things I’m Loving Right Now but this one seems particularly happy.
5 Things I’m Loving Right Now
Summer is officially gone. No more random 85* days or heat waves. We’re in full rainy season and it’s not… awful. The one thing I’ve been struggling with is the darkness in the mornings but I got smart during the first year of the pandemic and planned for this.
So, the first item on 5 Things I’m Loving Right Now is…

My Water Rowing Machine
I love going on long walks in the morning and listening to an audiobook but it’s been hard to do in pitch dark. Even though the area I live in is relatively safe, I’m still a 5’3 woman in a major city. Most women can probably relate to this. In short, I’d rather be safe than sorry.
So, instead of the “hot girl walk” we all did all summer, I am transitioning to rowing. What does that make me? “Cozy girl row”? “Hot girl row“?
Anyway, I’ve started a new rowing challenge this year to get myself back into it. Last year I added one minute of row-time, til I got to an hour. Since I love to overdo it, I decided this challenge was effective and helped prevent injury.
So, this month I’ll be adding a minute every day AND aiming to hit a 75,000 meters goal (46 miles). My abs are already on fire and my inner thighs hurt. All very good signs.

I’m back into the swing of things. Last week, I visited my Aunt in Albuquerque. It was very uneventful. I went to help her move but I worked during the day so nothing special. However, it was a nice change of scenery. I really miss my family.
This weekend I’m driving to Packwood, WA to stay in a cabin for the weekend. Shanna and I are having a blogging retreat. The weekend after I’m going to Boston, MA. Which, I’ve never been to before! I’m super excited to check it off my list and see all the historic sites. I fully plan to document the whole thing because it’s another solo trip.
Then in December, I’m going to Vegas with two girlfriends. We’re going to have the best bougie time. Drinks at the pool, a full dining schedule, and shows. After, it’ll be the holiday season and I’ll head out to Spokane to stay at my brother’s with my family.
LOADS of travel coming up.

Last month I patched up a quilt for a family friend. I had to get creative with it. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I made something that didn’t come with a pattern or youtube tutorial. It got my creativity flowing!
I also have been learning to knit and finished a beanie all by myself! Well, all by myself and the internet because… knitting is hard! It’s not perfect and I restarted it 7 times (not an exaggeration) but I’m really proud of it. I can’t wait to make more for the holidays.
All this made me realize I’m nowhere near my Q4 sewing goals this year. To be honest, that’s okay! I’ve been very busy with work and need to give myself some grace. Plus, I have a lot of clothes to mend and I can focus on that this quarter instead. More on that later!

My Awara Mattress
It’s been 2 years since I bought my Queen Awara Mattress and, I can confidently tell you, it’s the best money I’ve ever spent in my life. I am a stomach sleeper. This mattress is made for us. It’s a total miracle.
I’ve never slept so well in my life and my shoulder and back pain have subsided.
Also, the more I sleep the better my skin looks. Sleep really is a cure for all. So, if you’re sleeping like crap and constantly waking up with pain anywhere on your body… it’s probably time to invest in a new mattress. This one is made of natural tree latex, organic New Zealand wool, and organic cotton.
I literally daydream about sleeping in my own bed when I’m away. Best purchase ever!

My Ride or Die Girlfriends
Not that I don’t love my girlfriends every day but this has become really important to me over the past year. These women are all incredible and lift me up no matter what condition I am in. I never feel beneath them. I never feel like I’m not good enough or I’m not doing enough or I could be replaced at a moment’s notice. Not ever.
These women are my literal everything. We know each other’s utmost dreams, aspirations, and desires. And we support each other no matter what. With zero judgment.
I have a real community of supportive women here. Which makes it immensely hard to ever leave.
That’s it, my friends! Thank you so much for reading this post! It was a long one but I was passionate about these 5 things!
Hope you’re all staying happy and healthy.

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