What NOT to Buy at the Thrift Store // On The Trip Side

What NOT to Buy at the Thrift Store

Hello, darling friends! Today I’ve got an unusual topic of conversation for you. One that I don’t normally talk about because, 95% of the time I’m pro buying anything at the thrift store. However, today I want to touch on that 5% and share What NOT to Buy at the Thrift Store.

This topic is interesting for me because I love the thrift store for so many reasons. It reduces our carbon footprint. Many thrift shops go right back into your community or to a charity. In fact, some of the major thrift store around the US are known for building programs to teach people work ethics, job stability etc. So, with that said, yes! Please, 100% support your local thrift store, I cannot stress this enough.

However, these are a few item categories that I over examine before putting in my cart. Some times I will skip all together.

Here is What NOT to Buy at the Thrift Store:

What NOT to buy at the Thrift Store // onthetripside
One // Sports Bras

I’m not opposed to buying workout gear at the local thrift store but I do recommend washing them a few times before giving them a wear. The biggest issue with buying used sports bras and even workout leggings is that the majority of them are stretched out or worn to the point where they won’t actually hold you up when you workout.

If you’re looking for sustainable workout wear/sports bras, check out these companies below:

  • Prana – Sustainable and Fair Trade certified with Fair Labor.
  • Thread 4 Thought – Each pair of pants is made from 35 recycled water bottles.
  • The Girlfriend Collection – As eco-friendly as can be with 11 recycled plastic bottles in each sports bra and 100% recyclable/ed packaging.
Two // Overly Worn Shoes

Sometimes you get super lucky and find a brand new, never been worn, pair of shoes at the thrift store. However, 9 our of 10 times that’s not the case. Check the wear on the soles and inside behind the heel. If it’s really worn, it’s probably not salvageable. Especially Running Shoes.

Instead, I recommend Brooks Running for their climate action and materials. They’re really at the front lines for environment-ality.

Three // Lingerie

This is primarily for hygiene purposes. To be fair, most thrift shops don’t sell used undergarments but for the rare cases, I would skip this one. Sometimes you get lucky and find a brand new nighties with the tags still on them but other than that, many have bio stains that you just don’t want to question.

I recommend Naja if you’re looking for a more sexy and sustainable lingerie. 2% of every sales goes to their sewing program and they also have a full Zero Waste Collection.

Four // Costume Metal Jewelry

These generally don’t cost a lot at the thrift store but 90% of them will turn your skin green. They just aren’t made to last and they also tend to not be cleaned properly. Meaning build up of the pervious owners dead skin, etc.

If you do purchase, I recommend cleaning very very well before wearing. Rubbing alcohol should always be used for earrings. Also washing in soapy water with a tooth brush helps.

Don’t be surprised, I have an alternative jewelry brand for you! Haha! Gift of Hope Haiti creates their jewelry primarily out of recycled bottle caps and keeps children out of orphanages and with their families. They also sell Home Goods and Bags.

Five // Puzzles

This is a wild card, friends. You’re just never gonna know if you have all the pieces until the end. Haha! I love puzzles as much as the next but it’s extremely satisfying when then whole puzzle is in the box.

SpringBok is a puzzle company that manufactures all of their puzzles from 100% recycled materials. They are also produced in the good ol’ US of A.

Six // Oregon Duck & Ohio State Memorabilia

I’m an Oregonian through and through but just not ever gonna be a Duck or an Ohio State fan. No offense but it’s just not gonna happen. 😅

Instead, 😉, I recommend shopping from items from your home town to represent and repurpose! I’m currently on the hunt for a Seattle sweatshirt to crop and sew. Wish me luck, as we’re still in the Covid-19 pandemic and I’ll be be shopping second hand online.

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