7 Healthy WFH Habits
Hello my darling friends. Thought I would share what I’ve been doing to keep myself sane, safe and healthy during this crazy time. As you know, I am fortunate to still have my job but I am WFH for the foreseeable future. Can’t complain! I love my little sanctuary of an apartment but I did notice a lot of people struggling to find a new temporary norm so I thought I would share my 7 healthy WFH habits with you.
To start, every single morning I roll out of bed (literally) and brush my teeth. It’s a habit of mine (I actually can’t sleep until they’re brushed either). Then I do something crazy…
One // I make my bed
This isn’t a new concept. It’s not even close to being rocket science BUT the affect that this small task has on me is unbelievable. It breaks up my day and helps be understand when it’s no longer bed time and then, at night, when it’s time to go to bed. In fact, after I pull up my covers, add my silly little toss pillows, I only go into my room to change clothes or use the bathroom until the evening. My bedroom is only for night time activities after I make my bed.
Two // I turn on jazz & bossa nova music
Youtube has been a great resource for me during this time. One of my favorite channels is BGM for live recorded music every week. There are tons of options but my personal choices are: Cafe music, breakfast jazz/bossa nova and seaside music. Check them out, they’re great for keeping me focused at work and they have a pretty picture for my tv.
Three // I make my morning cup of tea
Everyone else seems to be a coffee drinker. I have a hard time with coffee because I don’t have a gallbladder. I stick with my beloved Earl Grey for mornings at home. Taking my first sip is the best part of my morning. That’s when I know it’s time for step 4.
Four // I turn on work and prioritize my day
This is the most important part about WFH, friends! Logging online and getting ready to start your workday. Whether you are full-time, part-time, starting your own side hustle right now, this is the step that starts you on the right path: Prioritization. Make your list, check-in with co-workers and werk werk werk!
Five // I make breakfast
Depending on my morning’s priorities, this step comes before or after logging into work. I’m not an early breakfast person. I know eating breakfast is good for you and it’s literally “breaking the fast”, but it takes me a few hours to get hungry. When I do make breakfast it’s very healthy and packed with protein, fruits or veggies. Great options are: breakfast burritos, yogurt with fruit and, of course, eggs scrambled with spinach.
Six // I check in on friends & family
This is the second most important step/habit of my day. Taking the time to connect with loved ones. I text my VIP gals all day every day. It’s valuable to keep that connection through your best and, especially, your worst days. Having other people around you (even virtually) helps with mental health. It also helps you maintain your identity and keep a sense of normalcy.
Pro-tip: Make sure to put phone dates on your work calendar and take mini breaks to connect through DMs, etc. Thank goodness for Marco Polo and Instagram.
Seven // I take my supplements
Lastly, supplements, guys! Another really important one for health. Not mental, though it helps, but physical health! I’ve been really into Nuun’s Immunity and Vitamin tablets. As well as taking an EmergenC everyday during this time. Keeping myself alert and well is not only my number 1 priority but also my family’s. I also drink my Quick & Easy Green Smoothie a lot. It’s PACKED with vitamins and perfect for pre and post workouts.
Those are my 7 Healthy WFH Habits, darlings! I really hope this helped motivate at least one person during this pandemic. Is there anything you do differently when working from home?
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