Fitness,  Wellness

Early Summer Challenges.

Tone it Up Bikini Series Starter Pack and 150 by Summer Calendar

Getting back on track can be hard. As a Gemini… we’re prone to avoid routines and go with the flow of things. That’s how it is for me. Getting up at the same time – isn’t my thing. Neither is being on time for something every single day. There’s probably some psychological force working against us but it’s more than likely just procrastination.

Don’t know about you but turning in my taxes is like this … every.single.year. It’s like the suspense or something.

So this post is kind of on the border of this. It’s been a long time coming.

Working out.

Please don’t misunderstand me. There is an undying love, in my heart, for fitness. It’s a passion of mine. To the point where 10 hours a month go towards an organization that helps at risk children maintain a positive active environment for them to grow in.

Though, at times, my mind wonders if I’m a fraud for not focuses more time on myself. So this week I have done a lot of reflection and have decided to push myself! There are a few challenges that I am going to work on this month. One is the Tone it Up Girls‘ “150 by Summer” challenge. It’s essentially a pre-starter for the 2016 Bikini Series, which I will also be participating in this year. It’s something that will be taken very seriously too.

These two ladies have been virtual friends of mind for the past few years. My best friend and I discovered them about 2…3 years ago while going through two different lifestyle changes of our own. I was going through a dairy-free panic attach and she was pushing to change her meal portion amount. K&K have been able to get us through some strange times so it’s fitting that my mind turns back to them for help on this journey.

Meal prep is crucial and my beautiful gym bag has already turned into 1/2 a fridge! (Don’t believe me? See photo below!) But it’s worth it. It’ll being me back to my norm and I can’t wait for that.

Gym Bag filled with food for lunches

What has worked for you in the past? What has helped get you back on track. Looking for tips, Ladies!