Fitness,  Wellness

Winter Lull

Getting back in to shape, running, outside, seattle, washington, fall, leaves, cars, sidewalk, run, get in shape, work of it, fence

I can’t believe how fast December is going by. It’s almost stressful to think about Christmas being around the corner. This winter I was not prepared for the stress it was going to cause on my body and due to that, I’ve slaked off in the one area I generally pride on: Myself.
As a result, I’m trying to start a new routine this winter because I know it’s only going to get worse. We are headed into vampire season. For those of you non-pacific north westerners, that’s when you get up in the dark and leave work… in the dark. It’s my least favorite time of year, despite Christmas. I’m a warm climate kind of gal all the way. Thank goodness I can look forward to layering.

As I was saying, I’m trying to start a fitness routine that I can stick to again. It’s been hard for my in the past. I used to get up, go to the gym, run 3 miles and then go to work. It was hard then, it’s hard now. We’ll see. Maybe I can make it into a habit.

I think the key is going to bed early… which I’m also not very good at. I’m working on it.

New Challenge:

  • Get up Early
  • Work out Hard
  • Eat Healthy (Hence my board re-org on pinterest)
  • Keep Positive Mindset
  • Believe in Oneself

I’ve done a few challenges in the past, like the Booty Challenge and the 30 Day Crunch Challenge. If there is one thing I’ve learned it’s that I am NOT an abs person. I really hate crunches and I think it’s because they were punishment back in my color guard days in high school.

SQUATS though, are my jam. I could do squats all day and love the burn. I want to find a routine that focuses on my shoulders and gaining muscle. I’d like to get back to where I was pre-sprained ankle.

I have been adding a lot of work out motivational pins to my motivation pinterest board. Check it out if you’re in the same boat. Stress is the ultimate killer. I swear, if it weren’t for yoga and weights I don’t know what I’d do.

Is anyone in the same boat as me? What do you do to start a new routine? What works for you?