• Books & Bottles (#22)

    Books & Bottles Series (#22)

    Hello friends! I think this is the first time this year I missed my Books & Bottles (#22) Series deadline. 😩 I generally post these on the last Monday of every month! This one got away from me. I’m so…

  • Books & Bottles Series (#21)

    Books & Bottles Series (#21)

    Hello, my darling friends! Today’s Books & Bottles Series (#21) is a mystery thriller. Which, I think it’s fitting because it’s Halloween today! This is my second book in this genre and I’m proud to say, it didn’t give me…

  • Books & Bottles Series (#20)

    Books & Bottles Series (#20)

    I’ve gotten through so many books this year, you guys! The series has really held me accountable for reading over the past two years. I love crushing my goals and I’ve been thinking about continuing on with the Books &…

  • Books & Bottles Series (#18)

    Books & Bottles Series (#18)

    A little behind on my posts for July but that’s okay! It’s the end of the month and it’s time for my favorite series on my blog. It’s Books & Bottles time, my friends! I can’t believe this but I’m…

  • Books & Bottles Series (#17)

    Books & Bottles Series (#17)

    The one where Alli cannot fathom it being the end of June… Happy Books & Bottles post, my friends! I’m happy I started this series last year. It’s really kept me honest and challenged me to read at least one…

  • Books & Bottles Series (#16)

    Books & Bottles Series (#16)

    Happy Memorial Day, you guys! Also, welcome to May’s Books & Bottles Series (#16). This weekend has gone by too quickly… in fact, this month has – but I’m really excited to share my book. I’ve been loving reading recently.…

  • Books & Bottles (#15)

    Books & Bottles Series (#15)

    Hello, dolls! It’s the end of the month and that means it’s time for April’s Books & Bottles Series (#15)! This month we’re going a little kooky. Instead of reviewing a bottle of wine, I grabbed a Washington canned wine…

  • Books & Bottles #14

    Books & Bottles Series (#14)

    Well, my friends, I don’t know how we got here but it’s the end of the month of March and I really couldn’t be more excited. March tends to be a really bad month for me and blogging. I think…

  • Books & Bottles Series (#13)

    Books & Bottles Series (#13)

    Okay, unlike a lot of other months for this Books & Bottles Series (#13), I actually planned this one out. February has a lot of holidays packed into it! Black History Month Galentine’s Day Valentine’s Day National Drink Wine Day…

  • Books & Bottles Series From Blood And Ash & MaryHill's 2016 Merlot

    Books & Bottles Series (#12)

    Hey Friends! If you’re paying attention, you know I skipped my B&B for December. 😬 I know – caught! Eventually, I will make it up but, for now, I’m moving on! And I’m moving forward numerically so here’s: Books &…