Winter Lull
I can’t believe how fast December is going by. It’s almost stressful to think about Christmas being around the corner. This winter I was not prepared for the stress it was going to cause on my body and due to…
Pumpkin Patches 2015 – Spooner Farms, WA
PUMPKIN PATCHES! Let’s get real. They’re a favorite, right? This weekend I was supposed to go apple picking but this crazy state’s harvest was up and every single place I checked online had transitioned into their Fall Festival season. For…
5 Ways to Stop Ennui
This week has been pretty tough. I definitely felt the changing of the season beginning and, with my job, the start of Q4. For those of you in an sales related field, you know what I’m referring to. Monday was…
Ellie Goulding LIVE at Bumbershoot 2015
Video Below When I first got to Bumbershoot I thought “Okkkay… you might be too old for this, Alli”. I felt like I was totally out of my element. As a person who thoroughly believes in doing what makes you…
Catching up over Chicken & Avocado Salad
Hello, Friends! Apologies for the absence. It has been such a crazy month! I have so much to tell you about my Mother Daughter Trip to London & Rome, my crazy week trying to adjust back to my normal schedule……
Ed Sheeran – Portland Moda Center/Rose Garden
I’m ashamed. I cannot believe I forgot to mention this in my Birthday Post! During the month of June, I went all out and pampered myself and I forgot to mention the best birthday present I got to give myself.…
Treat Yo Self – Birthday Girl
Loft – Romper // Pad Thai // Cupcake Royale – Vegan Cupcake (PC: Ellie Problems) // The Best of Me // Helvetia Vineyards // Gym // Perfect White Dress // Ponzi Winery – Rose // Essie – St. Lucia Lilac…
Lettuce Wrap Taco Boats
This week has been non-stop and yesterday I finally called it. I came home, opened up a bottle of coconut water and started cooking. Sometimes all I need to do is stop and make a meal to slow down. I…
Caught up with the Sprained Ankle
Thought I’d write to give you a full up date on the healing process of my sprain. There’s a part of me that wishes I had actually broken it because it probably would have healed significantly faster had it been…
Caught Up with Food
It’s been awhile. My work has taken over my life! Not in a bad way, don’t you worry. It’s just been a long and exhausting few months and it’s been really hard to keep up with my normal regimen. It’s…