• 5 Amazing Hikes in Siskiyou County

    5 Amazing Hikes in Siskiyou County

    Ever go somewhere, and leave a part of your soul? For me, I had a moment like this when I was sitting on a peak next to Heart Lake, and looking out at two gorgeous mountains (photo above). The moment…

  • Prime Day Picks for Active Travelers // On the Trip Side

    Prime Day Picks for Active Travelers 2020

    Well well well, guys and dolls. Never thought I’d write a post like this. Did you? Up until March, I’d never had an Amazon Prime account. The pandemic changed that for me. So, this year is my first ever Prime…

  • Perfect Pumpkin Muffins

    Hello Friends and good morning! I woke up early this AM to get some chores done around the cottage and bake some muffins. Please excuse the no make up and workout gear. I’m having a “me day”. A day where…

  • Green LUSH Slit Top and Bootcamp

    Good morning! Happy New Week! I’m walking into this week with positive vibes and extra motivation. This weekend I got to experience another crazy bootcamp class with two of my favorite people in Seattle. It was an opportunity to merge…

  • Review: Brooks Running Greenlight Crops

    There’s an old tale that Seattleites tell transfers when they move to the city. Probably because they’re dying for an excuse to allow their emo introverted personas to be acceptable. The tale normally begins with a question that turns into…