Every Fall Post Written on the Blog
We are two weeks away from the Autumn Equinox and it seems like everyone is kicking summer out the door and embracing Fall. (Hence this post on Every Fall Post Written on the Blog). To be honest, it pains me…
3 Dresses I Want to Sew by Autumn
This summer has been a doozy. I’m behind on everything. Well, except for, miraculously, my book challenge. Which I’m ahead on (somehow) and shows how much I’m walking and/or driving these days. Ever since I’ve been asked to go back…
How to Patchwork an Old Pair of Jeans
These are my favorite jeans. Which was a huge problem when I stuck my entire foot through a tiny hole and ripped it down the leg. UGH. This is why I’m sharing today’s post on How to Patchwork an Old…
Sewing Review: Double Oven Mitt, No Pattern, From Scratch
If you can’t tell, from my lack of posts, it’s been kind of crazy in my personal life this past month. On the bright side, I have tons of sewing and travel posts to catch you up on! Starting with…
Sunday Routine: Blogging, Meal Planning, Meal Prep, & Sewing
Hello Hello, my darling blogging friends! I got the idea for this post while looking at my Meal Plan at the grocery store. As you guys know, my friend, Shanna, is a close book blogging friend but she’s been into…
10 Free Sewing Patterns for Summer
With Summer just around the corner, I’m determined to get at least 1 dress drafted and made before July. I love sewing in the summertime because I like summer clothing more than I do any other season. Making sun dresses,…
38 Years Around the Sun & Goals for the Next Year
Hello, my darling friends! This week is my birthday week! I have spent 38 years on this Earth and, though I don’t feel old, I know I am to some. It’s a strange feeling, to get older. The most significant…
This Year’s Spring Bucket List
Spring has finally sprung and I couldn’t be more excited! The sun is shining (sometimes), the birds are chirping (mostly crows), and my allergies are in full swing (a lot of tears and sneezing). In all seriousness though, there’s a…
How to Shop For Vintage Sewing Patterns at the Thrift Store
You can find a lot of amazing “finds” at the thrift store. I do most of my kitchen, decor, and book shopping there. It’s also a great place to pick up well-loved hobbies, for a great price. When I first…
Handmade Wardrobe Goals for Spring
Hello, my darlings! I have so many plans for Spring this year that I can hardly contain myself. Spring is when I start to feel like myself again. My creativity comes back, my seasonal depression subsides and I fill my…