Lifestyle,  Mental Health,  Sewing & Hobbies

38 Years Around the Sun & Goals for the Next Year

Hello, my darling friends! This week is my birthday week! I have spent 38 years on this Earth and, though I don’t feel old, I know I am to some. It’s a strange feeling, to get older. The most significant difference is knowing, and seeing, how many people have left the world… and I’m still going. It’s beautiful, in a lot of ways. Seeing life. Moving with the world and learning and growing as you age. Developing wisdom as you go. It’s weird and, yet, just as wonderful at the same time.

When you’re young, you don’t think about the in-between years. You think about old age. The achy joints, the fear of dying, and how all of your friends will be, slowly, leaving you behind.

I think we look at our middle years as a checklist. Get married. Have kids. Move to the suburbs. Live.

But, what happens when you get older, and decide to go rogue along the way?

38 Years Around the Sun & Goals for the Next Year

That’s what I’ve done, and to be honest – these are the best years of my life!

I’m having a complete and total blast living in my one-bedroom apartment, working at a company that pays me a decent salary, and having friends that fill every interest of my life. I am blessed. Fortunate to have worked so hard in the past 5 years to be able to have these Camelot years.

That said, 38 is looking amazing. I’ve never looked more forward to an age in my life.

The goals

40 before 40 bucket list

This year, I want to build out a 40 before 40 bucket list. I want it to be achievable but chaulked full of travel, saving my money for the next big phase of my life, and packed with love. I will have 2 years to complete it and I think that’ll be enough time. If not, it’ll bleed into my 40th year and I’ll be content with that.

Live somewhere else in Winter

I’d like to find a way to spend the miserable months in a new and warm location. Though I love the PNW, my mental health cannot handle Jan-Mar here. I’ve lived in Seattle for 11 years and I know myself well enough that it’s time for me to seriously figure this part out if I’m going to continue living here.

Work on hobbies

Limit TV and make time for my crafts and favorite things. I retched at this because I have a terrible habit of multitasking. It’s one thing to knit and watch youtube, it’s another to browse the internet for clothes and watch youtube. Especially if I don’t plan to buy with intention.

Me-made wardrobe

Have a me-made wardrobe. I love sewing and knitting and I’d like more things in my wardrobe that I’ve made myself. I have a stack of fabric that I haven’t used and I want to take on the challenge of using what I have before buying anything new. Sustainability to key to this wardrobe and I love this challenge for myself.

Have fun despite the weather

There’s a terrible habit I have of letting the rain deter me from living my best life. I won’t leave the house if it’s cold and rainy. That’s 70% of the time in Seattle… I want to go to museums. Have friends over for games, hobbies, and silent reading nights. I want to have adventurous days where I have to walk outside to explore… maybe I just need to invest in a better raincoat. Haha

That’s it, my friends. Celebrating 38 years has never been so sweet.

Much love to you for reading my little corner of the internet. I hope you have as much fun as I do sharing our time on Earth.

Love Alli // On the Trip side Signature

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