• 4 Weeks and No Social Media: A Check In

    Well hello, dolls! Welcome to my latest social media break check-in. I first shared my goals and thoughts when I started, followed by a two-week update. Now, four weeks in, I’m reflecting on what I’ve been up to, what I…

  • Two Week No Social Media Check In

    The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind, and a social media break felt like the only way to catch my breath. With everything happening in the world, the constant flood of information—some of it questionable—became overwhelming. On top…

  • How I’m Saving Money this Year

    Hello darlings! I don’t know about you, but last month was rough. To start, my car was declared a total loss halfway through (more on that later), and dealing with my insurance company—after having just paid for the next six…

  • Making the Most of Summer: My 2024 Bucket List

    This year has been incredible, and we’re halfway through it! I can’t believe I’ve traveled around the world—one of my biggest bucket list dreams accomplished. I love creating seasonal bucket lists because they help me set and achieve micro goals.…

  • My Sewing and Knitting Goals for 2024

    Hello, my adventurous friends! I’m diving into 2024 with the same enthusiasm I had in 2023 for knitting. In case you missed it, I started knitting in October 2022 and really got into it when I decided to knit my…

  • My 2024 Blogging Goals

    Hello, my Trip Sider friends! A tad bit behind on posting about my blogging goals for the new year but I figured it’s never too late to share my aspirations and plans. Goal setting is one of my favorite things…