Living in the Moment & Happy Holidays
I definitely didn’t win any awards for Blogmas this year. Like so many of you, Christmas snuck up on me fast. Between settling into my new-ish job and still getting acquainted with my house, there was a lot to juggle. I got overwhelmed, overstimulated, and had to drop the ball somewhere. That ball was Blogmas.
Lately, I’ve been having a hard time blogging, and I can’t quite put my finger on why. I miss it—a lot. I miss the sense of community I used to have and the friends I kept up with through my posts. I think social media has been a major time suck recently, and I’d like to reestablish some healthier boundaries with it in the new year.
Despite all of this, I’m so thankful for Christmas this year. Last year, I was bopping around Europe, hitting every Christmas market I could find. This year, I spent the holiday with my whole family, and it was extra magical because of my nephew. Watching him light up over his new little kitchen set, a wooden espresso maker, and piles of dinosaur toys made the entire trip worth it. My heart is so full, and I’m incredibly grateful for our time together.
And here’s the best part: I’m thrilled to share absolutely zero photos from the day. We didn’t take a family portrait. I didn’t take a single selfie. Instead, I captured some personal home videos on my vlogging camera that I’ll never share with the public. It felt like 1997, and it was perfect.
All this to say, I hope everyone had (and is still having) a wonderful holiday season. I hope you got everything you wished for, enjoyed a warm meal, felt love in your heart, and had a safe, cozy place to sleep.
Wishing you all the love and joy in the world, friends!

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