My Ideal Morning Routine (as of late)
Hello, my friends! My Ideal Morning Routine (as of late), is all about starting the day early. This routine is new. A month old, to be exact. I couldn’t have written this in December or January. I didn’t have a morning routine. It was more like… get out of bed and then log into work.
However, when I returned from the east coast, I tried my best to stay in that time zone.
My alarm goes off at 6:34 am (cause I’m a rebel) and I get out of bed immediately. Not because I’m excited but because my phone lives on the other side of the room. So, I have to get out of bed to turn it off. I’ve created a monster but it’s worked.
I’m officially addicted to getting up early.
I would love to continue this into Spring/Summer. I’m praying for good weather this year to hit my morning goals.

My Ideal Morning Routine (as of late)
The truth is, I’m a procrastinator. Much like this blog post, I’ve waited til the night before to write, edit, and schedule it for tomorrow morning.
I will not work out, after work. I will talk myself out of it. It’s SO easy for me to do. It has to be super nice out, in order for me to go for a walk.
However, in the mornings?
My goodness, I’m too tired to argue with myself! The only way for me to wake up is to move my body. So, I do!
Here are the 4 workouts that I have been doing:
- 3-5 mile walk (while listening to my latest audiobook)
- 3-mile jog (+ audiobook)
- 55 min Les Mills Bodypump virtual class
- 30 min row (on my rowing machine)
I’m not consistent. Like, “on Tuesdays I jog”. Instead, it depends on my mood and what I did the previous day. That said, I have pledged to take one rest day during the week to prevent injury and promote self-care.
This is something new for me. I used to only shower in the evenings. Now that I work out in the mornings, it’s an essential step. I’m loving it! It’s a little congratulations to my body.
The reward? Breakfast & time to chill.
Breakfast & tea time
As you guys know, I’m an avid tea drinker. I start every morning with a cup of Earl Grey. I also make a point to eat well and replenish the calories I burned.
Even though eggs have been scarce and spendy, I’ve been able to get my hands on a dozen every other week. And for a good price! I hope this egg shortage ends soon. These are the days I wish I owned my own land and could have my own chickens/garden. Anyway, I love eating two hard-boiled eggs (or scrambled) with a tortilla and a side of veggies.
Lately, I’ve been eating oatmeal and/or farro. It’s filling and I love adding blueberries to sweeten it. I also eat a hard-boiled egg for added protein and a glass of watered-down 100% cranberry juice. I’ve been on a gut health kick and it’s working. I feel fantastic!
Make my bed
To be honest, I tried to do this right after I woke up. This way I don’t immediately go back to sleep. I did that for the first two weeks of starting this new routine. But then I read an article about letting your bed air out in the morning before making it.
Apparently, it can help reduce moisture and dust mites (which are microscopic and feed off of dead human skin 😬). So, now I’m grossed out by that… I wait til after my shower to make my bed. Haha.
Quiet time
After and during breakfast, I love listening to a cafe jazz youtube video and doing the wordle of the day. I want to do this every morning before opening my email. I tend to go down an email rabbit hole and it can cause stress.
Quiet time is crucial for weekends and rest day mornings. If I’m not going to work out right away, I need to be mentally occupied. Which is why I …
Catch up on blog posts & update my Goodreads
I love to read other bloggers’ posts. It’s a personal goal to comment on as many as I can because I love it when readers leave me a comment too.
Goodreads is also something I try to update every morning. I like making notes so I can update you guys on my progress at the end of every month for my book reviews.
That’s all for My Ideal Morning Routine (as of late). What do you like to do in the mornings?

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