5 Things I Love About the Holidays
I’m cutting it close on my blogmas deadline for the day. Technically it’s tomorrow on the east coast but, considering I’m on the west coast, I’m giving myself some grace. It’s been a very long day. That said, I also had a great day of volunteering. Which is one of the things I enjoy doing all year but especially in December.
Here are 5 Things I Love About the Holidays.

5 Things I Love About the Holidays
I feel like I’ve said this 15 times already this season but my love language is quality time. If we were going in order, gifts are the very last on my list. They always make me uncomfortable but I genuinely love watching other people receive gifts and opening them up and seeing their joy. Specifically kids.
It’s the season of giving
Not in the physical materialistic way but in time and energy. Today I worked a volunteer shift at a local foster care center restocking, organizing, and helping foster parents pick out items for their foster children. Giving that time to my community, and actually feeling a part of it, not to mention helping… well, made me feel really good. Generally, I volunteer throughout the year but 2022 was hard. It was a great reminder that I want to do more of it in 2023.
I just know all those kids are going to be so excited on Christmas and those children truly deserve it.
Holiday lights
Omg, I love walking through my neighborhood, Pike Place Market, and downtown looking at the lights. You guys, my community is SO clever! Even the pigs on top of the roofs were decorated in holiday spirit. I cannot wait to have my annual walk with my herbal hot cinnamon tea to see the lights this year. Shanna is joining me and I know we’re going to have a great time.
Festive holiday-themed sweaters
I do not regret admitting this… 😂 I LOVE a festive sweater. There are so many beautiful ones, cliché ones, and ugly/cute ones… those might be my favorite. Next year I hope I get better at knitting so I can make my own festive sweater creation.
Christmas music all day long
I wrote out a list of My Favorite Christmas Albums last week but I genuinely love getting in my car and being greeted with holiday cheer.
Spending time with my family
To be honest, I don’t remember many Christmas gifts when I was growing up. What I do remember is baking cookies with my mom, decorating the Christmas tree and having a dance party to Dolly Parton & Kenny Roger’s Christmas album, and laughing historically while watching Home Alone with my family.
Now, I cherish drinking a nice glass of red wine with my sister-in-law and crying while watching Hallmark movies. I love playing backgammon with my sister and putting together a puzzle with my other sister and my brother.
There are a lot of other reasons I enjoy this season but maybe that’ll be a future post next year. Hope you’re all having a healthy and safe time this year. 🎄

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