5 Things I Hate About The Holidays
Generally, I don’t use the word “hate”, my mother raised me better than that but using the word “dislike” isn’t accurate. So, I’m using the H word today, get excited. Haha.
Here are my 5 Things I Hate About The Holidays to counter my post on the 5 Things I Love About The Holidays.

5 Things I Hate About The Holidays
These seem long-winded in comparison to yesterday’s post but I stand by them. So, let’s get into the most controversial one of them all …
Santa Claus
I said it. I’m not sorry.
Hear me out… If you think I’m going to let a cookie-obsessed chubby white man (or any man at all) come down my chimney in the middle of the night and THEN take credit for the gifts my hard-earned money paid for… you best keel over right now.
In other words, hell no.
First of all, what are we teaching children? That it’s okay for men to break into your house if you leave them cookies and milk?? And then they leave you a gift?? No.
Mrs. Claus though? Yes. Cause I know she’s holding up all the emotional energy and support for the entire North Pole. SHE is welcome at my house.
P.S. If you haven’t seen Noelle, 10/10 recommend it. Also, I’m buying The Truth About Mrs. Claus to every little girl I know.
Shopping in person
If there is one thing I’ve learned over the past 5 years in retail marketing… I hate in-person shopping. I also cannot stand shopping during the holidays. It’s so crowded!
Two things I love:
- Bars in stores (like at Nordstrom)
- Buy online & pick up in store
There were a lot of terrible things that happened during the pandemic but there were a lot of efficiencies that came out of it too.
It’s really hard to have time alone
Everyone thinks there’s something wrong with you or you’re unhappy. Some of us are just extroverted introverts. We can be extroverted until we cannot extrovert anymore.
Then you just want to sit in a quiet room with a book and a cup of tea.
Christmas has become so much more materialistic
The Holidays are just different than what they were in the 90s. As kids, I remember getting a toy-r-us catalog in the mail. My brother and I used to take turns circling what we want. I don’t actually remember the gifts I received but I’m pretty sure none of them were from that catalog. It was so expensive and I don’t blame my parents for that. Plus, we circled everything.
Now, kids make their Christmas lists using Alexa. Amazon has taken over the world, and I’m not helping. I ordered multiple gifts from them this year out of convenience. Which really bums me out.
Christmas isn’t supposed to be about presents.
I’m always the single one and it’s not going to change anytime soon
Let me be clear, I’d rather be single than settle for a mediocre man (no offense to any mediocre man reading this. Be better). I genuinely love my life and do not need anyone to “complete me”. I am a whole complete person without anyone else.
Unfortunately, women get smacked in the face by the patriarchy for the entire month of December. Do any of these questions/comments sound familiar?
- Are you dating anyone?
- Maybe this year you’ll settle down
- I just want to know you’re taken care of (as if we haven’t been taking care of ourselves our whole life)
- Are the apps really that bad? (yes)
- Gosh, I wish you would meet a nice man just like my (insert name of boyfriend/husband/uncle/man here).
We’re also the last on the bed list. Everyone in a relationship requires a big bed. So… you guessed it.
Wellllllllp, I feel like this post was a BUMMER. Hahaha but, am I totally wrong? No.
And I know I’m not the only person who has a “cons list” for the holidays. So, if you’re willing, I’d love to hear them!
Regardless, wishing you all a very happy, healthy, and safe holiday season.

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Julie Rose
I feel all of these deeply
Alli B
HAHA! I’m so happy someone else gets it!! 💕 There are a lot of things to love about the Holidays, but the bad? … they’re pretty bad.