9 Reasons Traveling Alone is the Best Way To Travel
There are a lot of misconceptions about traveling alone. It’s understandable. When you first start, it can be really scary. Especially if you’re in a new country and you don’t speak the language. Which is why I always recommend traveling to a city you’ve already been to or a city that’s easy to navigate as your first solo adventure. More on that later though, this post is a list of 9 Reasons Traveling Alone is the Best Way To Travel.

9 Reasons Traveling Alone is the Best Way To Travel
If you’re new to traveling alone, I recommend checking out some of my other posts of solo female travel. The best piece of advice I can give is to simply get up, get dressed… and leave your accommodations. Start out at a coffee shop or breakfast. After you’re out and about it’s a less painful to travel.
There’s no right or wrong way to travel. Each person is different. Just remember that. Also remind yourself that you do not need to do and see it all… just promise yourself to go back someday. 😊
Now, onto the 9 Reasons Traveling Alone is the Best Way To Travel!
Everything is on your time & schedule
This is my favorite thing about traveling alone. You can wake up whenever you want and you can do whatever you want. There’s something to be said for that. You never have to wait on another person to get dressed and ready. You also get to decided when your meals are.
You can plan whatever you want
This is pretty important when traveling. I find that a lot of people don’t get the trip/experience they wanted when they’re traveling with someone. Personally, I’m a big fan of breaking away from travel partners and doing your own thing for a few hours but not everyone is like that.
I love going to museums, very very long walks, getting lost in unique and fun neighborhoods, etc. I go where the wind takes me and base my travel day on how I’m feeling. That’s not to everyone’s preference.
Example, next week I’m going to Boston and I may go to Cambridge in the morning and then to downtown Boston for lunch and then back toward Cambridge to visit the Harvard library.
Some might argue its counter productive. To me? That’s just seeing and experiencing the city the way I want to see it. I don’t really care if it makes sense or not. It’s what I WANT to do. Not to mention, a great way to get acquainted with a new city.
Its easier & faster to get a meal
It’s so easy to grab a spot at the bar as a solo traveler. Especially to really popular food destinations. I love being able to walk up to the host and say “Just one, please!“. Plus, it’s a great way to get insider information on the place you’re exploring. Everyone is always so nice and eager to share their favorite local spots with you.
If all else fails, and you’re the only one at the bar, making friends with the bartender is a very good idea. They’re generally friendly and love engaging with their guests. They’ll give you a low down on where other people with your interests hang out.
It’s less complicated & cheaper to book show tickets
This is especially easy if you’re a last minute planner. It’s very easy to walk up to any box office and ask if they have single seats still available for whatever is playing that night. Not only is it highly likely for single tickets to be available, they’re generally discounted for last minute tickets.
I did this is New York City when I wanted to see The Phantom of the Opera last minute. This also can work with a small group of friends but there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to sit together.
It’s also really easy to get added to a tour group because the tour guide will think “what’s one more?”. They also don’t always fill up and you can pay them direct or through venmo.
You get the whole bed to yourself
I mean, come on. Sure, if you book two beds at a hotel (or airbnb), but this is a big one. A whole king all to yourself?? It’s such a treat. I love sleeping in the middle of the bed when I’m all alone in my hotel.
It’s easier to stick to your budget
Since you are doing what you want, when you want. You also can plan whatever you want. That makes it a lot easier to stick to your own budget. You won’t be pressured to going to the most expensive restaurants or doing things you wouldn’t normally pay for.
Example, I really wanted to go on a hot air balloon trip a few years ago but I couldn’t afford it. Nor did I want to experience it with the person I want traveling with. Luckily, the day we planned for it didn’t pan out, and I didn’t have to do it. I don’t regret it because I know it’ll happen at the right time in the future.
There’s no one to judge you on how you travel
Personally, I always take the cheaper form of transportation, unless I’m on a time crunch. I love taking the train when traveling because it tends to be less experience than flying, especially across Europe. That might not be your travel partner’s preference. They might think flying is faster and are on a different budget than you are.
I also love getting meals at grocery store hot bars. Whole Foods is fantastic and generally always have vegan treats I like to stock up on. I never feel embarrassed grabbing something to go and sitting at the park, alone, to eat.
It’s exciting to make new friends
One of my favorite things about traveling alone is meeting new and amazing people along the way. I have met so many people while on a tour. A very sweet couple on a Haunted Halloween Tour in Savannah last year. Another lady, traveling solo, while on a tour in Madrid. A sweet and charming bartender in Charleston. You just never know who you’ll meet!
Traveling alone is good for you
Traveling alone is a great way to get to know yourself. To trust yourself and your gut by being completely alone. No one to deter you or distract you. To make decisions on your own and also take care of yourself. When someone I know if having a bad week, I suggest a solo day trip to a neighboring town to get away and break up every day life. It’s not only a mental booster but I genuinely believe it’s healthy for you.
This post feels like it was a twofer to me.
I know the subtext of this blog post is “traveling alone it amazing and you should do it” but the sub-sub text is “don’t travel with an incompatible travel partner“, if you do plan to travel with someone.
Honestly, you will be happier traveling alone. It’s really not as lonely as you think it is. Not in the digital age of social media and viator bookings.
I promise it’s so much fun as long as you put a little effort and make a general plan everyday.
If you have any other reasons you think traveling alone is the best, please leave a comment below!

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i’ve considered traveling alone but always seemed intimidated. these are wonderful points to consider! i’d love to travel to Europe or even to another state in the U.S. solo to get used to it.
Alli B
That’s the best way to start! Even if it’s to a neighboring city or small town. I always bring a book or my journal, so I’m never truly alone. I can’t wait to hear where you decide to go first!!