15 Amazing Ideas to Bring Happiness into your Life
While on my daily walk this morning, I was thinking about how fantastic I was feeling. I’ve been making a point to take better care of my physical and mental health since last November. I realized I’d overloaded myself with thoughts and feelings that were irrelevant to who I was as a person and it was eating me away from the inside out.
In the digital age, and especially with social media, being influenced on what I should want vs what I actually want is a real problem in our society. Every 4th post on Instagram is an ad for a new fitness program, lightroom presets, leather handbags, and a hotel. It’s exhausting and easy to think you’re life isn’t good enough or where you’re “meant” to be.
A goal I set for myself this year is to “find happiness in common everyday things“. It’s something I actively do in the mornings while planning my day.
So, while drinking my lovely earl grey black tea, listening to a fantastic new audiobook on my hour-long walk, I thought about how genuinely happy and proud I am of myself. I’d love nothing more for you to feel that energy too.
Without further ado, here are 15 Amazing Ideas to Bring Happiness into your Life. 💕

15 Amazing Ideas to Bring Happiness into your Life
- Instead of hitting snooze, get up when you first wake. You’ll be so much less tired.
- Make your morning beverage of choice and take the time to enjoy it.
- Move your body for 30-60 minutes every day. (I prefer morning walks to wake up.)
- Do Wordle, a crossword, sudoku or word search to keep your mind sharp and to feel accomplished!
- Nourish your body with good healthy foods but also, eat dessert! (I have dessert every day, in moderation, because it makes me SO happy and it’s something to look forward to.)
- Prioritize and make time for close family and friends multiple times a week.
- Be kind and say aloud how amazing and proud of yourself you are.
- Set realistic short goals and hit them to feel achievement.
- Volunteer your time to help someone or an organization. (This always makes me happy.)
- Spend 10-15 minutes on social media for the entire day. (You’re not missing out on anything, I promise.)
- Plan and book a trip for something to look forward to.
- Organized your home and donate to those in need, weekly. (I always have a pile.)
- Surround yourself with feel good people, shows, movies, entertainment and media. Try to avoid the negative as much as possible.
- Go some where outside of your routine on your weekends. (I try and do an urban hike or visit a small town.)
- Say yes to therapy 2x a month. (The best money I’ve ever spent.)
What do you guys do to bring happiness into your life?
I’d love to read what others do. I lead a really quiet and easy-going life so hearing from parents, people with roommates, or households full of people would be super educational!
Wishing you a happy day! 💕

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