What I’m Thankful For This Year
Happy belated Turkey Day, everyone! This year is a bit of a hodgepodge year for my family. My youngest sister and brother host dinner yesterday and, now that my middle sister is in the great state of Washington, we’re all together… tomorrow. 🥧
Which, in all honestly, I’m so happy about. It feels normal this year. Everyone feels happy and healthy and ready to laugh and play games.
It’s a treat compared to last year’s obstacles.
The meaning of the day, however… I don’t know if I can look at it the same. Thanksgiving used to be… and I think it still is: my favorite holiday. I love how we all get together, be thankful for one another and the food on our plates, for the laughter and tears we share when we think of our missing loved ones. No monetary gifts required. Just ourselves.
I learned, through quite a lot of research (and not the American education system of the 90s), it’s “A Day of Mourning” to our Native American friends. Quite understandably. I encourage everyone to do some educating this year and consider donating to an organization that put on programs. I’m going to list a few below, just in case you’re having a hard time deciding.
It’s list time! Let’s get into What I’m Thankful For This Year…

What I’m Thankful For This Year
- My & my family’s health – what a year.
- Friendships – both near & far.
- Therapy – & time alone to prioritize what matters.
- Education platforms – I learned so much this year.
- My solo road trip through the south – and budgeting for it.
- My apartment – aka sanctuary and roof over my head.
- The library – for offering endless hours of free adventures.
- Boundaries – learning & practicing when and how to use them.
- PTO – and using it.
- My bed – the best purchase I made last year.
- Nature & the PNW – for all the hiking trails a gal could ask for.
- Sunsets – and always being there for me to chase them.
- Health care workers – Lord knows it wasn’t my calling.
- Day trips – and how they get me through my work week.
- Clothing & my wardrobe – I’m at the point where I don’t need more clothes.
- Blogging – and the happiness journaling brings me.
- Traditions and memories – how it helps develop and form my family.
- Strong women relatives – my Memére & Aunt Dolores, specifically.
- The weekends – that’s all.
- Summer – because it’s the best season.
- Morning walks and exercise – and how it clears my anxiety and gives me endorphins.
- A glass of local wine after a long day – there is nothing better.
Did I miss anything crucial? What are you thankful for this year?
Can’t wait to read your lists, my friends!

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