Solo Travel: 9+ Essential Safety Tips for Women
This post has been a long time coming. I wanted to write one when I was on my road trip last summer but life got ahead of me! However, with my next solo adventure coming up, I thought I’d share some Essential Safety Tips for Women, when traveling solo!
This next trip will be quite a ride. I’ll be in the US, flying and then road tripping! When I tell you I’m amped:

Solo Travel: 9+ Essential Safety Tips for Women
A lot of these are my basics. I’ll either add to this list later on or create a longer more elaborate one. There are so many different types of “safety” when you really boil down to it. Like, physical safety, tech safety, transportation and booking safety. Really this list goes on.
This post is specifically on the essentials and hits on most categories.
Personally, I think every one (specially women) should consider taking a self defense class in their life time. The one I took was awesome, in a safe space and very educational. I think it would also be beneficial to take a basic emergency vehicle situation class. I cannot tell you how good it feels to know I can change my tire if I were in the middle of a desert. Haha!
Alright, let’s stay safe out there with these tips!
Safety Tip One: Make Health a Priority
This tip is, arguably, the most important one. To be frank, if you’re not taking care of yourself you’re not alert and aware. This causes you to be vulnerable and that’s the last thing you want to be on trip alone. Make sure you’re fueling your body with whole foods and hydration. Also stay active by walking to destinations or getting a bike! 🚴♀️
Safety Tip Two: Copies of Everything 🖨️
Passport, ids, etc. Personally, I keep a paper copy with me and I also have a photo album on my phone with pictures of everything. They are also with my parents and sister, just in case of an emergency. I’d rather be safe than sorry.
Safety Tip Three: Spare Credit Card
Some have learned the hard way (🙋♀️) but this is a good idea in case you lose one of them. Pro tip: Get a card with free foreign transaction fees and pay it off every month to avoid additional costs and unnecessary debt.
Safety Tip Four: Travel Door Locks
These are super helpful when you’re alone and want that extra layer of security. I carry these with me on every trip I go on. They’re perfect for a standard door and fit most hotel doors too.
Safety Tip Five: Share Itinerary 📝
This is a fabulous tip if you’re in a different time zone than your friends and family are. It’s also great if you plan to do a solo adventure (like hiking or paddle boarding) and just want that extra peace of mind.

Safety Tip Six: Stay Public
Its great to explore in the day time, even get yourself lost down a lovely and peaceful street but it’s best to stay in a public setting. Maybe think twice before walking down the dark alley alone and always be aware of your surrounding.
Safety Tip Seven: Arrive in Daylight ☀️
Not only is it for your safety but it’s also a little sneak peek into what your adventure is going to look like the next day. I love getting off a long flight and being able to see where I’m landing/staying. It also gives you a better sense of where you’ll be in the next few days to make sure your comfortable in your accommodation or need to change locations.
Safety Tip Eight: Leave the Debt Card at Home 💳
A strange safety tip but it’s a lot easier to steal your money and personal information from debt cards than credit cards. Credit cards are easily disputed and the money being stolen isn’t yours. I like to keep my debt card at home and just take two credit cards. One for intentionally and one as a back up, in case something goes wrong.
Safety Tip Nine: Stay Sober
Similarly to staying healthy, if you’re not sober it opens you up to being impaired. I’m not saying don’t drink, I’m simply saying: for your own safety being of sound body and mind could be important. If I m out and by myself with a drink, I watch it at all times and only get one (unless I’m in my hotel room!). 🍷
Safety Tip Ten: Research Your Destinations
This may seem obvious but I cannot tell you how many friends I have that just hop on a plane and go. Which can be fun, don’t get me wrong, but what’s also not fun is booking a hotel in an area you feel completely unsafe in. Do yourself a favor and put a little research into your stay before booking.
Safety Tip Eleven: Trust Your Intuition
One of the best safety tip is hidden in your own gut! Trust it! If you don’t feel comfortable or feel like you’re being watched … take the necessary precautions and remove yourself as fast and safely as possible. There is no one who knows you better than yourself. Trust you and take care. 💕
Thanks for reading, Solo Travel: 9+ Essential Safety Tips for Women, friends! I can’t wait for this trip! If I think of any other tips while I’m on the road, I’ll definitely update this post.
Stay safe traveling!

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