7 Unique Farms to Visit this Year
As lot of you guys know, I’m from Oregon. I didn’t grow up in a small town, though at times it felt that way, but I did grow up in Farm Country. 15 minutes in either direction of my house, was a farm. I can’t tell you how much my family looked forward to picking berries or learning about farm life. I think it’s important to understand how much work goes into supplying food for your local community. So, without further ado, here are 7 Unique Farms to Visit this Year.
7 Unique Farms to Visit this Year:

Sunflower Farm
This may seem unusual, to visit a farm that sells flowers, but they’re just like any other working community.
I got the pleasure to stay a working sunflower farm that also rented a beautiful airbnb in Phoenix, OR. It was one of the highlights of my summer.
After chatting with my host for a few minutes I discovered that their sunflowers were organic and because of that, they naturally attracted the neighbors bees from their bee hives. They even asked if I wanted to buy some honey!
Peach Tree Farm
If you ever get the opportunity to swing into a peach tree farm, oh my goodness… do it. The smell of warm peaches is intoxicating and there is nothing better than a fresh picked peach on a summer day.
I grew up with a peach tree farm about 20 minutes away from my house. It’s a great place to take photos for you instagram and to stock up on all things peaches, like jam. Personally, I love a peach cobbler.
Pumpkin Patch
Most pumpkin patches are also working orchards through out the year. Many of them have farm animals, like cows, alpacas, chickens, etc. They also grow way more than just your every day pumpkins but a variety or squash and corn too.
The pumpkin patch is a tradition I do every year. I always have a small group to go with to grab corndog, a pumpkin or two to decorate my apartment and spaghetti squash for dinner.

Lavender Farm
Lavender Farms are so dreamy come the end of summer. The farm I visited last year was not only selling their dried flowers but, while we were there, they we harvesting them to make essential oils! I had never been so calm in my life.
The farm we went to had a few tables for pre-packed picnics. It’s family owned and operated and also just a beautiful picturesque view of Washington State.
Working Farms
When I think of a working farm, yes – I think of literally all farms. However, for this one, I mean working all round on one specified field. Example: Livestock, Grain Mills, Gardening, Apiary (bee farm) or Diary!
These all are great places to visit and also pick up products. I love these types of farmers because many of them have CPA programs and will even deliver into your nearby city.
Christmas Tree Farm
A total staple for everyone who owns a home or can bring a tree home for the holidays. If that’s not you, still tag along for the experience! Not only is buying a tree great for the environment and economy, they offer tons of other items. From garland to wreaths, hot chocolate to homemade fudge, Christmas Farms wait all year for people to visit their property.

Farm Stands
If you don’t feel comfortable u-picking your own fruit, many farmers have stands at the front of their farms or at city farmer’s markets. I love driving through rural Oregon and seeing various stands on the side of the road. Many also sell pies, jams, honey, produce, nuts, dried fruits, etc.
I hope you all get a chance to visit one of these unique farms this year! Which one are you most excited to try and visit?

Other posts you might enjoy:
- 5 Reasons to Visit a Lavender Farm – if you want more info on this one!
- 9 Reasons to go Apple Picking – when you’re a fan of apple orchards!
- 24 Hours in Portland, OR – from a local!
the hot goddess
I visited a lavender farm in Oregon years ago. Heavenly!💜
the hot goddess
Alli B
The smell is intoxicating, honestly. I wish I would be wrapped in lavender all day! Haha