
Oh Thriftmas Tree

A very exciting trip to the thrift store yesterday. I’m very excited about my finds and more so the level of creativity I received from it. I was every where in that store. I probably could have stayed all night had their leather jackets been less picked over.

Alas, I gave myself a time limit and a budget and genuinely stuck to it! #NailedIt
I tried on a lot and surprisingly walked out with less than what I thought I was going to get. It really boiled down to a fight between an Athletica dress (below on the right) and a pair of Leather Boots from Brazil. Guess who won. I bet you can’t guess!

I always had so much fun shopping by myself. It’s my time to really be creative and let my wheels spin on how I can incorporate items into my wardrobe with something old or just a little worn.

Below are some not so great pictures. More to come on my winnings!