
Favorite Skin Care Product of 2015

The is not a normal post for me. I tend to focus on food (okay, I live and breathe food), fashion and lifestyle/travel but today I want to talk about something else.
Now that I’ve hit the three decade marker, I’ve decided one of the biggest elements that I want to focus on in my daily regimen is skin care. I’ve always been pretty good about washing my face— No, that’s not true. I specifically remember when I started taking care of my skin. I was in high school and  my Aunt asked me if I needed a wash cloth for my face while I was visiting her in DC. I told her I wasn’t going to wash my face and she said that that was the one thing I should be doing to take care of my acne and to prevent scarring. I remember life changing conversation like it was yesterday.
She said “Even when I was in college and I was so drunk I could barely stand, I went to the bathroom and washed my face before bed”. She made an impression…
Many years later, another Aunt asked if I moisturized. I, of course, said I didn’t need it because I wasn’t old. Her response “No, you’re not, but someday you will be”.
Moral of this story has nothing to do with skin care. It’s clearly all about how amazing my Aunts are!
Needless to say, These conversations really had an impact on me as a woman. I wash my face twice a day, every single day. Whether I’ve worked all day and can barely see straight or I’m so hung over I have to brush my teeth with my sun glasses on. Regardless, I wash my face.
I moisturize twice a day as well.
I would say my morning routine constants of the most beauty products. I always start the morning with washing my face.
Face Wash: Standard Bar of Soap. I use a African Black Shea Butter, for sensitive skin, bar of soap that I buy at Target. I broke out in a rash and have used this ever since. I also recommend Neutragena’s bar of soap.
Sicilian Light Serum/Vitamin C: My weapon of choice. I can’t even tell you how amazing my skin feels afterward. It honestly feels tighter, brighter and all around fresh. I recommend this to women of all ages but it’s great to start using in your 20s. It’s Made in Italy and it’s almost always sold out on Birchbox. I literally want to be a spokeswoman for this product. I love it that much.
Daily DDF Moisturizing Dew: This product is incredible. I feel instant relief from dryness. It’s essential in the winter. I wear it ever single day immediately after my Sicilian Serum.
Tinted BB Cream: Always and forever. I just bought a refill. I will never use another BB Cream. It’s amazing, easy on my skin and evens out my tan lines.
A lot of my products started as a sample from Birchbox. I’m a huge Birchbox supporter and personal advocate (I’m not paid or sponsor. Just love the company).
There you are! My Favorite Skin Care products of 2015. I’m a bit stubborn and I doubt I’ll ever change this up but I might make this an annual post.
Any of you love these products as much as I do?