• Life Update & Changes

    All good things must come to an end, right? It’s so we can start new chapters and create new opportunities! When I got back from Australia last month, I received an offer from a company that I just couldn’t refuse.…

  • My Ideal Morning Routine (as of late)

    Hello, my friends! My Ideal Morning Routine (as of late), is all about starting the day early. This routine is new. A month old, to be exact. I couldn’t have written this in December or January. I didn’t have a…

  • Things I Do Before Going to Bed

    11 Things I Do Before Going to Bed

    Like everyone, I have my quirks. Some people have to wash their hair every day or they feel gross. Others need to have a snack at 3 o’clock on the dot. My quirks are these 11 Things I Do Before…