• Holiday Gift Guide for the Traveler

    Hello friends, I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving yesterday. I hope you were able to celebrate with friends and family. I truly hope you were able to make new memories with one another this year. I have a Thanksgiving…

  • 5 Fall Cozy Cashmere Sweaters

    Oh Mondays, whyyyy? Why you gotta be so rude? I feel like I start every Monday post out with angst. Which is why this post is all about the cozy, soft and comfy material that is cashmere. Something you can…

  • Cozy & Warm Fall Favorites 2018

    It’s been nothing but drizzling here, in our Seattle. The sunrise is later and the sunset is earlier. Soon, we’ll be headed into “vampire season”, as we affectionately call it. I’ve been working on this montage for a bit too…

  • Fall Beauty Favorites 2018

    Hello from rainy, Virginia! This week I’m visiting my cousins and helping one of them nurse a recent surgery. Getting us through this downpour and the chill in the air? Jack Ryan and getting alerts from Nordstrom that my beauty…

  • Favorite Cruelty-Free Facial Products

    Hello Friends! I’m sure you’ve noticed that I didn’t follow a lot of my fellow bloggers. Many of my dear friends did a reflections post for 2017 and I decided not to do that because I am one of those…

  • Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2017 Favorites

    Off the Shoulder Plaid Blouse – Two by Vince Camuto // Maison Blanc Mini Candle Set – Voluspa // Natalie Stretch Bootleg Jeans – Kut from the Kloth // Leather Jacket – Caslon // Y-Back  Halter Tank – Trouvé Hello…

  • April 2017 Favorites

    Happy Monday! I’m starting this week off with my all time favorites for April this month. Things on my mind, things I love around my beautiful city and amazing videos I want to share. I want to start doing these…