5 Money Saving Secrets from a Fashionista
As a single working girl in the glorious Emerald City, i.e. Seattle, I know what it’s like to try and keep your hard earned money in your own pocket. I do these Money Saving Secrets when I’m trying to save…
Another Injury = Abs Challenge
I’ll sum this up for you. Volleyball + Spike = Sprained Ankle This is my second season in a soft core c-ed volleyball team. I’m not very good but I remembered loving it when I was in middle school and…
Jaw Dropping Tavel Bags: Kate Spade Spring 2015
All I want… is this luggage. This gorgeous, sticker shocking (like, my heart literally dropped to my feet), travel bag set. Just look at it! Have you ever seen Confessions of a Shopaholic when Rebecca says “this scarf will make my…
How to Plan a Trip to Europe with your Mom
Let me start this post by emphasizing how much this trip means to me. I’ve been trying to go to Europe since I was… I can’t even tell you. Six years old? Probably about as long as my Mom has…
5 Favorite Duchess of Cambridge’s Shoes
Starting Left: Stuart Weitzman- Corkswoon // L.K. Bennett- Zella // L.K. Bennett- Sledge // Dune London- Pied a Terre Imperia Navy // Stuart Weitzman- Minx Wedge We all know her, we all adore her. We’re all obsessed with her shoes! That’s right, my name is Allison and I am…
Cinnamon Honey and Scorn Squash
After a really long work out and swap up in my routine, I thought I was running to late volleyball practiced. Knowing the bus would take longer, I walked the full 20 minutes home. Not to mention I ran a…
5 Grace Kelly Accessories in Rear Window
It’s not a secret I love old films. I love everything about them. The push towards being modern, the way the actors move, speak and kiss. Most of all, I love the fashion. Today, in a little theater downtown, I…
Vintage French Cafe Menu Chalkboard
The secret to getting a quick French Menu is that there isn’t one. Unless you already have a photograph of one from a previous trip. I don’t, so, with the help of Google (and some pretty intermediate French skills) it…
Let’s Start Over
Updated 07.12.19 Starting over indeed! The blog Peplums & Pie was alive for 4 1/2 years before realizing my creativity was taking me somewhere else. There were no longer recipes being shared every week and peplums being warn (as much).…