My Holiday Card Writing Traditions
Hello, my friends! It’s that time of year! Well, it’s probably already too late for USPS but that’s okay. I’m going to write about My Holiday Card Writing Traditions today because it’s blogmas and it’s something I look forward to during the month of December.

My Holiday Card Writing Traditions
When I first started writing Holiday cards, many years ago… I made the mistake of buying all of my holiday cards at full price. This is INSANE because I very quickly realized that on December 26th, every Christmas item imaginable goes on sale for 80%.
Since then, I’ve learned a few tricks.
- Never throw away unused Holiday cards. There’s no such thing as trendy/non-trendy cards. They are cards, and it’s the thought of sending one that counts.
- Buy your cards for the following year, the day after Christmas. You can buy them everywhere! Home Goods, Target, TJ Maxx, Walmart, the thrift store, etc.
Okay, now, let’s get into my favorite traditions!
Going through all my Holiday cards from previous years
I have a gift bag full of cards and I’m not embarrassed to admit it! Every year I go through them and pick out which family will get which card. It’s super fun for me because I pick and choose the card by my friends’ and family’s personalities.
Picking out my Holiday stamps early
My friend and I chat about stamps in November because USPS announces the new holiday stamp lineup around that time. This year they are SO stinkin’ cute but sold out fast! Again, if you think about them early, order them from USPS and get them before they’re gone.
Cookies, a hot cup of tea, & cozy coffee-shop holiday jazz
This is something I started during the pandemic. It puts me into the Holiday spirit and no one is talking! So I can concentrate on what I am writing. In short, there are a lot fewer mess-ups when I write.
Add a lit-up Christmas tree and a burning evergreen-scented candle, for the perfect setting.
New traditions this year
- Use my Winter Mug I bought last month – on sale!
- Adding festive washi tape! – which will last me for years to come!
- Using fine point marker pens – the BEST pens
That’s it, my friends! All of My Holiday Card Writing Traditions.
Thanks for reading! 🎄

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I love sending cards during the holidays! It’s an easy way to show you care / are thinking of them during the holidays. 😊 I love how creative you get with the cards as well.
Alli B
Every year I think about getting my photo taken and using mint and every year it feels weird. Especially because I’m single. 😅 That said, I really love writing cards though so it works out. 💕