8 Ways to get Over Post Travel Depression
Hello, my friends! I’ve been wanting to write this post for a long time because I experience depression after I come home from any travel. It’s very rare when I’m more excited to be home than not. In fact… I think this happens to every I know.
Suddenly you’re home, from an epic trip. You get in late, drop your suitcase on the floor. You realize you don’t have any food in the house and the last think you even want to think about is: getting out of bed to go to work in the morning. The truth is, you’re hella sad and don’t want to adult.
Literally, happens to the best of us!
I’ve created a special cocktail, if you will, to bounce back as soon as I’m home. Some on this list iare are easier than others … some will- take a few run throughs to get used to, but! I promise these will help you find some light in your after trip darkness.
Let’s get into 8 Ways to get Over Post Travel Depression!

8 Ways to get Over Post Travel Depression
One the the best antidotes to post travel depression is to try and think positive and to be thankful. If I’m leaving a friend or family member, I will think affirmatively: It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later. 😘
I will also remind myself how lucky I am so have the privilege to travel and how proud of I am to have saved enough, to take a trip in the first place. Treating yourself kindly goes a long way when you’re feeling sad.
Note: If you are at all feeling so depressed that you are considering harming yourself, please seek professional guidance asap. 💕
One // Unpack Immediately
Sounds simple enough but, you and I both know, your suitcase loves to sit wide open on the floor for at least 3 days after you get home. Instead, before you wash your face, brush your teeth and pass out in your bed – unpack.
- Open you suit case
- Put your dirty laundry in the hamper
- Place souvenirs in a safe place or away
- Put your shoes away
- Hang your hats
- etc
This will help you reset in the morning. Plus, you’ve done the worst part and now you can move on easily with just memories and not chores.
Two // Write About It
I bring my journal every where. Writing eases my nerves, with turbulence, and it also makes the time go by faster. In fairness, I’ve had a journal since I was 6? It helps me process big choices and feelings. I love writing in my journal when I’m upset. There’s no one better to re-evaluate and recollect yourself than yourself!
Going back through my journals and reading about days/events makes me happy. The good, bad and ugly. The past year and a half and been a wild story in my diary. Haha!
Three // Research & Plan Your Next Trip
This isn’t something I line up immediately. I learned the hard way. I tend to not be level headed and will splurge right after a big trip. It’s not worth it. Instead, research before biting the bullet to book. If you don’t, you might end up in a location you’re not actually interested or paying an outrageous amount for an IG inspired hotel when you don’t normally travel that way.
With that said, just thinking about your next trip can really help with the post trip blues. Dream, research, plan, then jump!

Four // Get Together With Friends
Make plans and stay busy. It’s the best cure. You’re best of friends will be dying to hear about your trip and you can live through you. Meaning, you’re re-living your adventure by just telling!
It also gets you out of your house and making new memories right off the bat. 10 out of 10, recommend.
Five // Travel Your Backyard
Here’s a great list of things to do in your own backyard to get right back on the travel horse:
- Go to a museum, aquarium, other tourist attractions
- Get together with friends at a new restaurant or happy hour spot
- Organize a brewery or wine tour
- Explore a new part of your city or plan a day trip to a neighboring town
For more ideas, check out my post on 10 Reasons to Travel in Your Own City.
Six // Workout
One of the best cures is getting up early the next morning and working out. Whether it’s a walk to your favorite coffee shop or hoping on an elliptical at the gym. The best remedy to depression is endorphins. Get your body moving and thinking about your next trip, or remanence over your recent trip memories.
Seven // Make Your Bed Every Morning
Okay, wait – before working out: Make your bed.
Really this is something you should practice everyday. It’s a great routine you can take everywhere you go. It merges your everyday with your vacation, and vice versa. Doing this normalizes your day and helps you feel like you’ve checked something off your “to do list”. Thus, making you feel accomplished and ready to tackle the day ahead of you.
Then go work out. 😊
Eight // Volunteer
Volunteering is a great way to immerse yourself back into your community and be grateful for your vacation. It reminds you why you love coming/being home. Especially when you’re able to do something good for another person or the environment. It’s super grounding and bring purpose back to your everyday.
Thanks for reading this super quick post, you guys! I’d love to hear your secrets to battling after trip sadness. Feel free to leave your tips and tricks in the comments below.
Hope you guys are planning your next vacation asap!

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