22 Solo Travel Hacks for Beginners
When I first start traveling alone, I overpacked as much as I under packed. I did everything wrong. From researching the wrong places to running out of cash and not knowing where to get more… what a mess. So, I’ve put together 22 Solo Travel Hacks for Beginners to help others not make the same mistakes as I have.
It’s very likely this list will grow as time moves on. I got stumped for a few days on number 8 and then the rest flowed freely! Don’t you love it when you slowly realize: Huh, I’m becoming quite the expert on this!

22 Travel Hacks for Beginners
There is a healthy mix of international and domestic suggestions for you in this list. I’ve kept in mind road trips, ground transportation and air so most bases are covered but let me know if you guys has any specific questions on how I personally do things while traveling.
Alright! Let’s get into this list!
One // Have a Travel Emergency Fund
Saving up and budgeting for a trip is one thing but having an emergency fund, specifically for travel, is a whole other ball park. If something goes wrong, the last thing you want to worry about is being fiscally suppressed when you’re in a pinch. Personally, I have a separate account labelled “Rainy Day Fund” for this purpose alone.
Two // Save Hotel Points for Emergency or Last Minute Travel Changes
Saving my points has helped a lot in the past. When my grandmother was sick I was able to get my Aunts a Hilton Hotel last minute. My last trip, I changed my plans. Instead of heading back to LA, I stayed in a Hilton in San Diego for one last night. Make sure you keep an eye on point expirations, it’s always nice to use your points on an impromptu trip but it’s even better in a pinch.
Three // Forgotten Phone Charger
It’s not well known among us mere mortals but airport lost & founds have rule where all items are fair game after 3-4 months (depending on the airport). If you realize you forgot your charger, swing into lost & found to see if they have extras, before buying a brand new one.
Four // Books in Hotels
My book blogging friend loves this hack and it’s a great way to get free/borrowed entertainment if you’re unable to pre-download anything. A lot of hotels get books that are left by travelers. In fact, there’s a whole article about it here! Make sure to check in with them and ask them if they have any books in their lost and found that you could grab for your next flight.
Five // Portable Travel Door Locks
I really don’t know why more people don’t know about this but as someone who travels solo a lot, I feel 98% more safe with these portable travel door locks in my carry on. These are great for airbnbs with multiple doors, hotels, motels and hostels. It’s $10 extra bucks that’ll give you real piece of mind.

Six // Sit at the Bar
I do this a lot in the states and the UK, when I’m solo. It’s very easy to make a new friend or you’re able to chat with the bartender. It’s a great way to get local tips for your stay. I always ask what their favorite menu item is and if they have a favorite coffee shop for the next morning.
Seven // Always Carry Extra Cash
After Texas freezing over this year and seeing all tech go down, including registers at the store. It was a big reminder that cash is still king in a tech-less world. Always carry a little extra where ever you go.
Eight // Free Group Tours
Believe it or not, there are free guided tours all over the world. My favorite one that I’ve used in Madrid, Amsterdam and Barcelona is SANDEMANs. They have tours from beer pubs to local history. Tons of options but one of the best hacks is to google “free walking tours” in whatever city you’e looking to visit. Another example is some cities, like Seattle, have self-guided tours set up for you. Which is also a great option, considering the state of the world right now.
Nine // Carry Electrolytes Tablets
I’ve mentioned Nuun tablets in a few other posts (here and here). Truthfully, I carry a tube on every trip I go on after I got heat stroke in Morocco a few years ago. I was so sick and my body could have really used the extra hydration. I love that they have sports tablets, sleep and immune support, in case you find that your immune system is weakened when you travel. Just drop in a bottle of water, and you’re ready to go. My favorite is lemon-lime.
Ten // Bring Your Water Bottle
Yes, yes. Everyone knows this one but they’re gotten really clever with different kinds of water bottles for traveling. Personally, I love my hydro flask but there are these awesome flat water bottles (perfect to slide into your backpack before take off), and two collapsible ones: this BPA free rollable one and this BPA compactible one.
Eleven // Meal Budget, Plan & Prep
If healthy food is a big part of your lifestyle (like me!), plan out your meals before I even get to your destination. A lot of hotels offer continental breakfast so if that’s your MO you’ve got one meal planned out already! Personally, I love mixing it up and making 3/4 of my meals at my airbnb or hotel (sandwiches, easy meals that can be in the fridge). Then, I’ll have a meal budget to get authentic cuisine experiences on the road. This way I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on anything.
Twelve // Shop Local
I love immersing myself in new communities. I always love to shop at local farmer’s markets, fruit stands, mom and pop grocery stores and boutiques. You will often get the freshest ingredients and local specialties. Plus, it’s a great place to chat with locals and find out secret spots to explore while in town.
Thirteen // Download Cities on Google Maps
This is really helpful if you don’t have an international mobile plan. You can download sections of maps on your google maps app. This helped me so much when I didn’t have service or wifi traveling abroad. I would pin or bookmark experiences, dining and shops I’d want to go to ahead of time. This way it was all in there and ready for me when I set out for my daily adventures.
Fourteen // Invest in Backup Battery Packs
If you saw number 3, well, life happens. I normally travel with my Away Battery Pack but on my recent road trip, I purchased another one because sometimes you just forget to charge the backup! Here are three different sizes depending on your luggage needs: 1000mAh power bank, 25000mAh multi-charger, 5000mAh light-weight (the size of a credit card!).

Fifteen // International Little Free Libraries
Surprise surprise! Little Free Libraries are not just an America perk in cities. There are tons of International ones. You may have a hard time finding books en anglais but it would be a great gift or souvenir to bring home. It’s also a great free way to explore the neighborhood your staying in. Check out the Little Free Library Map here.
Sixteen // Travel Noise Machines & Apps
This is the greatest sleeping hack I have. I sleep with a noise machines every night because I live on a busy street in the city. It has multiple sound options but I choose the same rain feature every night to keep consistent. To put it bluntly, you never know who your neighbors are going to be, where ever you are staying. There is no guarantee you will not hear nightlife all evening long. Additionally: sometimes silence is too loud. Do yourself a massive favorite and invest in a compact noise machine or use an app!
Seventeen // Pack Essentials & One Extra Pair of Clothes in your Backpack
Statistically speaking, you will lose your luggage at least once depending on how much you travel. I always have a small packing cube with another full days clothes (top, pants, undies, socks and pjs) when I’m flying. You’ll thank yourself if it happens, especially when you’re traveling solo.
Eighteen // Ask Your Hotel or Airbnb host to Negotiate Your Taxi to the Airport
I learned this while staying at an airbnb in Madrid. I had a very early flight and wasn’t fluent in Spanish but my airbnb host insisted on knowing when I was leaving and arranging the cab ride for me. He negotiated the price to make sure it was fair and made sure I knew how much it was before heading out. That extra time he took upped my experience and made me an airbnb-er for life.
Nineteen // Take a Photo of your Passport, Driver’s License & Insurance Card
I’m embarrassed to admit how often I need to go into my “Travel Doc” photo album on my phone. It’s tremendously helpful when you also forget one of them at home and you’re out at a bar.
Twenty // Bring Snacks
Nope, don’t argue. Haha! You need emergency snacks. Have them in your car, in your luggage, in your travel purse or waist belt. Here’s the deal, things never go according to plan. Speaking from experience, you don’t want to be wanting Paris alone and hangry because you’re too scared to butcher their beautiful language and ask for a croissant. I alwayssss have fruit leathers, Kind bars and Zing bars on my person.
Twenty-One // Get a Credit Card with No Travel Fees
This is one of the first mistakes I made very early on. I thought I brought enough money with me to Europe for an entire two weeks stay… I did NOT. Haha. There was nothing worse then checking my statement and seeing all of these extra charges on transactions fees (easily spent an extra few hundred). Before my next trip, I made sure my new card had no travel fees.
Twenty-Two // Pack a Turkish Towel > Scarf
Turkish towels double as everything. It’s a beach towel, a bath towel, scarf, body wrap, a skirt, a vest and a blanket for long flights. I’ve used it to wipe up water that I’ve spilled on myself and as a hair towel multiple times. It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made and bring with me on every trip. Here are three great ones: Mebien 35×67, Demmex 71×36, Fair Seas Supply Co. 39×71.
Okay, my friends! Keep coming back and checking this Solo Travel Hacks for Beginners list for more updates. I’ll probably be adding to it every month. 😅 I’d also love to hear your travel hacks in the comment below!

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