My Recent Trip to Paris: What I Ate
Yummmmm. My goodness, I have been spoiled, my lovely friends! My sweet cousins we’re so kind and really treated me to a true Parisian cuisine experience. Each meal was prepared and cooked morning, noon and night. Surprisingly enough, locals don’t like to over complicate their food but they do like a nice warm meal surrounded my family or friends. Many of my meals were based around appetizers and warm drinks. Who could complain about that?
My wonderful cousin made sure to ask if there was cow’s milk in everything we picked up. I stuck to sheep and goat’s milk while out in France because their milk processing facilities are a bit different than in America. Though, I still over did it at lunch one the day. I got overly excited about a goat cheese salad. It was nothing more than scrumptious and I regret nothing. Despite overdoing it one day, it was easy to find meals that were completely dairy-free.
The first photo is a “Tarte aux Pommes” or an Apple Tart, that my cousin made as a mid day dessert. Super easy to make and one I plan to replicate at home. 100% dairy-free. I told you I was spoiled rotten!
The second photo was taken while walking around near Saint Germain the day after I arrived. Oh my word, these macarons were like nothing I’ve ever had. So good and, again, dairy-free. These are from Boulangerie Carton on Rue de Buci. The ladies were wonderful and so kind offering us advice on where to go next.
The last two are from Café le George V on Avenue George V. We ate inside because my mom was freezing and it was so perfect because the inside of the restaurant was an absolute surprise! Beautiful lighting, wonderful staff, non-smoking and a great menu. We walked in off the street and didn’t need to wait. We started our meal with hot tea, a nice hard sausage appetizer with bread (of course) and a salad. A delightful meal and well worth going into the city for.
The goat cheese salad was a spring salad with quarter sliced hard boiled eggs, tomatoes and chopped walnuts. Paired with a crispy wrapped goat cheese, toast with more melted goat cheese and local honey. Balsamic dressing below. A bowl full of color and happiness.
Do you like to live like a local while on vacation or do you like to find the best restaurants?