5 Fall Cozy Cashmere Sweaters
Oh Mondays, whyyyy? Why you gotta be so rude?
I feel like I start every Monday post out with angst. Which is why this post is all about the cozy, soft and comfy material that is cashmere. Something you can curl up in while at work or an afternoon without feeling “fireside frumpy”.
There have been a lot of beautiful cashmere top this year! I’ve got my eye on so many of them. I think this holiday season is going to be all about comfort for the women in my family. We can’t resist a nice soft sweater. I already know one of my sisters has been trying to steal a sweater I bought a few weeks ago. Can you guess which one I got above?
This post kind of doubles as an upcoming Christmas guide for those you know who might love a good cashmere. Cashmere is a pretty expensive material. One that I often buy second hand or on sale. That’s why each item above is either on sale or under $100. I wish they could be both but, again, you pay for what you’re getting.