I Am Freaking Cold Vibes
This sweater is the ultimate game changer. I’m so obsessed with it, I haven’t stopped wearing it since it arrived on my doorstep. I’m anemic, like a lot of other women. It’s rare for me to feel my fingers and my toes in the Fall, Winter and first half of Spring. It’s a wonder my favorite season is Summer.
This past month I have spent an embarrassing amount on Zulily. I’ve only ordered from their site once before. It was for a few holiday gifts last year. However, this sweater is the item that started the crazy haul I went on.
I’ll definitely do a post on my experience with this company. It’s been an interesting adventure. Most of their merchandise sells out but then comes back within a few weeks later. They have so much product!
Last night I went to bed with the worst migraine. Still undetermined if it was from the long long week or because I forced myself to do laundry. Though, the night could have gone differently, some of my great friends invited me out to the Laser Lemonade show at the Pacific Science Center and to a wine bar downtown. I declined all of them. It was such a week, I needed to go home and take care of myself.
Truth be told, I was finally in bed by 9 o’clock with my head pounding and yelling at me for sleep. Thank goodness I started my laundry right when I got home.
For the first time all week, I slept through the whole night. I got 10 hours, which makes me think I won’t be able to sleep tonight but I’m okay with that. I needed that sleep.
My face woke up clear, my body refreshed and ready for a quality stay-at-home weekend. Chores, books, manicure appt and bread making. It’ll be the perfect cheap weekend.
Back to my sweater! This sweet a¢e sweater is, of course, sold out but the link is still listed below. It might come back into stock or to your wish list. It’s the perfect gift especially for people who are always cold, like yours truly.
I Am Freaking Cold Sweater – Zulily // Black Sweat Pants – Jockey (similar, similar) //
Mug – Home Goods (similar, similar, similar)// Tea infuser – Amazon
No make-up Saturdays should always be a thing. Waffles should also be a requirement.