
WIW: Favorite Cotton Black Dress

Good Morning, Afternoon and Evening, Friends, where ever you maybe.

Here’s a quality question for you – Have you ever gone into Target to buy 1 or 2 things and walk out after spending nearly $90 and thinking “What on this great Earth did I buy”?
If so, than this will be quite a fun story because I’m hoping you can relate. Errand day was on Sunday so I hopped in my old car and ventured out to the Target to buy: Dishwasher soap (very important), Q-Tips, Cotton Swabs, Toilet Paper and Larabars.
Here’s where everything went wrong – I walked in. That was it. I mean, I could have gone to Walgreens for these items, even Safeway has all of these. Alas, no, Target is the place to be. So naturally upon walking in and I think “ohhhh, I’ll just simply walk through the clothing department. What could I possibly need?”
Turns out, I “needed”:
  • A black v neck tee-shirt (which I don’t have)
  • A new black tank (have one now…)
  • A mauve pink tank (listen, it’s so gorgeous)
  • 3 tins of Harney & Sons Peppermint Tea (they were on sale?)
  • 1 box Camomile and Lavender Tea (actually did need this, I was out!)
  • A Kate Moss Matte Lipstick in #104 (not a single reason, #beauty)
  • A eyeliner brush (…just… *sigh*)
  • 1 box of berry fruit leather (I’m the worst)
As you can see by this list, there’s a reason everything added up so quickly. I wasn’t even going to buy those tins of tea until I went walking through the next aisle and realized what a lovely gift they would be for a quick Thank You or Birthday.
Old Navy Black Cotton Dress – Value Village (old, similar & similar) // Christopher & Banks Hunter Green Vest – Value Village (old, similarsimilar & similar) // Black Boots – Ralph Lauren (Only in brown left, similar) // Watch – Marc by Marc Jacobs Green ‘Baker’ Watch (Old and favorite watchsimilar in the ‘Roxy’)  // Mala Beads – Mint and Glamour (Etsy)
Regardless of how silly my trip to was, it was one of the best “me days” I’ve had in a while. I don’t get to have them very often but I took advantage because I have the apartment to myself this month. I mean, I took a bath in the middle of the day. A bath. For no good reason. I just wanted to. I finally used the Himalayan Salt Bath Crystals my Uncle bought me when I was in Taos! Nothing special … but I did it!
As for my wardrobe planning from my last WIW post, it still going strong! It’s kind of nice to have this type of organization to wake up to. It’s really nice not having to think about what to wear because I tend to always wake up and agree with what I was thinking the night before. Still TBD if it’s something that’s going to stick.
This time I set up my FAVORITE black cotton dress. Honest truth, hand on my heart kind of stuff, I bought this at a Value Village for around 5 bucks 3 years ago. It’s a super simple cotton shift dress that drapes over me like a blanket. It’s so comfy. I paired it, this time, with another thrift find: a Christopher & Banks cardi vest. I topped it with tights, black boots and my mala beads.
Another outfit success!