
Thriftmas Sweaters & Leathers

Written from: The Dinning Room table with Lady Grey Tea

It’s that time of year where I’ve walked into my closet every morning this week and not had an ounce of inspiration.
As a creative mind, I know something is wrong when I get bored and I need to fix it, immediately.

This is one of my favorite excuses to thrift. I love being able to hunt through old things and discover a whole new style by adding it to my collection.

This trip I was looking for a few winter sweaters to get me through the typical rainy season. I mostly went to see if I could find any inspiration for a new project however, I walked out like a bandit regardless of my mission.

As always, I set a budget for myself because it’s Christmas and I shouldn’t be spending money on myself. I figured I could make a bit of an exception because I was technically upcycling. Regardless, my budget was $35 and I walked out spending $29.17.

I tried on a lot of clothes, mostly because I’d been on the hunt for dresses and also because I was just trying to get inspirited again. Its an interesting thought. I suppose mostly people turn to pinterest for their daily dose of creativity but I love old vintage mysteries and accessories so I get mine from a thrift store.

I left with:

– 2 Sweaters
– 2 100% Leather Skirts
– 1 100% Leather Boots

I feel as if I struck gold finding those boots. Plus, one of the skirts (the one that is FAR too small for my waist line) was $2.50. I’m pretty positive it’s going to be apart of my next project. If you follow me on pinterest, you might have a guess as to my upcycling inspirations.

I’m very excited about it!

Where do you get your inspirations?